Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Was it almost er All or or most of the total amount you spent in the last year , about half or less than half the total ?
2 All or most of the total , about half or less than half the
3 Er how much of the money you 've spent , what proportion , all , most of the total , about half or less than half the total have you spent at a shop .
4 He seemed to imply in this that even if the covenantor had not previously enjoyed a certain freedom then the restraint of trade doctrine might still apply if he is , as a result of the restraint , under a positive duty to do something which restricts his current freedom .
5 I would want to argue from this that rather than the combination of gender and text leading to a particular kind of meaning being produced , particular kinds of reading are being used to mark gender difference .
6 So resolute are they at keeping hold of one another that even if you pick up the mother , her babies will still hang on to her in a wriggling furry rope .
7 Behind this and approximately where the recreation ground is now , was the village Butts , where in days past the villagers practised their archery .
8 If he had told Mrs Wilson this and even if she had believed him , she may not have wished to help him .
9 so that gives us this and so if I said erm and that 's a all right we 'll leave that as twelve X squared minus one .
10 You may not believe this and then so it 's nice to have Adam here to say yes , that 's right .
11 you 're thinking long-term , yeah I can do this and then when it , a gentleman 's agreement and then it comes to paper , and when that paper 's signed you 're stuck with it
12 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
13 At first he was surprised at this and only when they referred to him as an ‘ adult ’ did he realize that some time in the previous weeks the last of his juvenile plumage had moulted and his wings now had the rich and glossy glow of an adult golden eagle .
14 Since the nature of the taboos varies between one society and another and even as between one situation and another within the same society , there is no particular action which is universally considered to be sinful in all circumstances : to kill a neighbour is a crime , to kill an enemy may be a duty .
15 There were no more dances in the balere to distract me ; partly because it was difficult to move freely from one village to another and partly because the evening curfew still applied .
16 er of others that may benefit from this but only if and we er you find this of particular benefit , er to yourself .
17 But since the actors concerned are ordinary members of the community , who probably conceive of themselves not only as kinsmen to one another but also as kinsmen of the supernatural beings whose mythology is being enacted , it once again becomes crucial that the investigator should fully understand the nuances of the kinship language in which the multifaceted relationships between the living and the dead are being expressed .
18 The number of days of practice needed before the patient has the courage to try and translate the visualization into action varies considerably , not only from one individual to another but even as regards the different stages of a person 's treatment .
19 We are looking at ways to develop this as well as ways to ensure that groups are kept informed of any activity in their area .
20 Where interviewers are centrally grouped they can be called together for a briefing session , when any queries can be raised and dealt with on the spot , but where large organizations have interviewers scattered about the country this may be a counsel of perfection , although peripatetic fieldwork supervisors do invaluable work in this as well as other areas .
21 The authority w ill have details about this as well as the Tenants Exchange Scheme , which operates between local authorities in different parts of the country .
22 No one else could have done this as well as Lanfranc with his orderly mind and power of decisive action .
23 An American edition of Streamline is also available and some schools use this as well as the British edition according to the needs of different classes .
24 Individual tasks can do this as well as pair or group tasks .
25 I do not see how relief can be denied to Handscomb in consequence of this as well as other declaratory relief which will be later formulated .
26 However , the major problem , and you Ma'am have already touched upon this as well as the Chairman and I am sorry to be repetitive but we do serve all yachtsmen , two and a half to three million of them whilst being financially supported by only sixty five thousand of them .
27 Perhaps I 'll record this as well as play it .
28 At that time they were faced with legal fees of £3,000 if they sued the surveyor , and the risk of losing this as well if they could not prove the surveyor 's negligence in law .
29 Now did you want to take this as well because normally we give the whole pack away
30 Such couples are often recognized by the loss of their first names : they become Mummy and Daddy to one another as well as to the children .
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