Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Leaseholders were found to have experienced a variety of problems with the management of their block , including failure on the landlord 's part to carry out repairs , too little or excessive refurbishment , estimates ‘ rigged ’ by landlords or managing agents , failure to consult leaseholders and difficulty in obtaining information about accounts and insurance .
2 Paula and Louise had been nominated to sell the raffle tickets and did a round of the hall , flirting outrageously and telling all the boys the tickets were ‘ sixpence each or two shillings a strip ’ .
3 In a poem designed on such a scale ( and this evidence of ‘ design ’ on such a scale from the first is astonishing ) it was obviously illegitimate to look , as Edmund Wilson did , for emotional or affective unity in each or any Canto in isolation .
4 ‘ Is that where Roman generals marched in celebration ?
5 ‘ Was n't that where some bakery foreman dressed himself up in a turban , said he was an Eastern potentate , and persuaded half a dozen women to move in with him as his harem ?
6 This is where the concept of social needs gains over that or legal rights , since social services are regarded as social utilities to be used by all individuals and families as necessary ( Smith , 1980 ; Wharf , 1985 ) .
7 Such was the enthusiasm generated by the thousands of kids at the game that a passer-by might have been forgiven for thinking that either Take That or New Kids On The Block were performing at Ibrox rather than Scotland 's football team .
8 Similarly we are expected to understand the distinction between Atlantis qua actually existing and the idea of Atlantis as conceived by this , that or other person , writer , scholar .
9 Tom from Freeland , who has , as he said , erm some experience because he had erm been in the Middle East for some time , speaks Arabic and erm putting a very strong point there , if you 'd like to comment on that or other aspects of the Gulf erm conflict , do ring now , three double one , one double one .
10 But my opinion on this is really fairly redundant , because the people who are buying it are going to be pros — either that or seasoned bank robbers !
11 I mean if there are two or three days off during that or one day off you take for instance , as long as it 's fifteen working days .
12 Well they can physically do it to you with use of fists , use of hands and whatever else they 've got and they can mentally do it to you like put you in jail that or all sorts of things like when I was on sick leave , they came and lifted me .
13 I might add that Filmer 's notion of dominion as originally granted to Adam included both ownership of property and authority over men and here Filmer was trading on erm erm the feudal tradition of erm property erm erm erm dominion erm entails that if you have property rights in a certain tract of territory you also have political authority over the people inhabiting that or that territory you know , think of a straightforward standard lord of the manor and his service you know , he has property rights in the territory , he also has authority over erm the individuals who live off that territory .
14 That or that door ?
15 Section 4(2) of the Public Order Act 1986 extends the old Section 5 breach of the peace offence by providing : An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
16 Note the offence can not be committed inside a dwelling when the other person is inside that or another dwelling .
17 This point means that under Section 5(2) and ( 3 ) an offence under this section may be committed in a public or private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is displayed by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling .
18 ‘ ( 2 ) An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place , except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used , or the writing , sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed , by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling . ’
19 A semiconductor product is defined as : an article the purpose , or one of the purposes , of which is the performance of an electronic function and which consists of two or more layers , at least one of which is composed of semiconducting material and in or upon one or more of which is fixed a pattern appertaining to that or another function .
20 Many kinds of dispute arising out of industrial relations could find their way to the NIRC which , because of its status as a superior court of record and the powers given it by statute , was able to order the payment of fines and , if that or any other of its orders was disregarded , could imprison for contempt .
21 Hardly a time for complacency , yet either that or fatalistic resignation seems to have put America to sleep .
22 Either that or American gin rummy .
23 that or high society .
24 This is the conclusion which many , approaching by this or similar routes , have come to see as inevitable , after the successive failures to prove that principles of conduct can be grounded in the existence of God , or in Kant 's Categorical Imperative validated a priori like ‘ two and two make four ’ , or in the biological facts of evolution or the psychological facts of human needs .
25 I was trying to suggest that instead of actually definitely writing novels with a very straightforward moral theme , the theme of the novel being that you must do this or terrible things will happen , instead of doing that erm she is anxious to write novels which show you moral possibilities , that somebody or other may actually get into difficulty because they fail to understand something about somebody else and I think that these novels are intended to tell people more about themselves that erm they might otherwise realize .
26 Outside the chamber , they are asked constantly for their views on this or that issue .
27 The pressure of this or that requirement or directive , together with the environment in which one happens to be , for example working under an agnostic headteacher , or a staunch Christian one , or with an enthusiastic multi-faith team , etc. , governs what happens .
28 ‘ All kinds of typographical fireworks are now made possible by computers and that has generated its own trend : if this or that trick can be done , then it soon becomes fashionable to go ahead and do it .
29 You will be wondering , what is the message of Christmas for me this year in the face of this or that problem ?
30 But to attempt to isolate them , in practice , can be no more than an illustrative device since the language-game we use of human beings encapsulates the possibility that at any moment Mary can be summoned from such a state , or summon herself , to one of reflection about her reasons for adopting this or that tactic .
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