Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 In Strathclyde , we decided that our strategy would be to address the existing management and development issues in a general way by raising the profile of the needs of dementia sufferers and their carers across the Region — and obviously initiatives and educational material were invaluable in this and also by developing a training package , aimed at care staff in residential , day and domiciliary settings .
2 The timetable will need to be agreed with court officials and will be affected by this and also by the fact that petitions are usually only heard on Mondays .
3 Then he looked at the old eagle again and shaking his head said , ‘ During the last war when I was a prisoner I knew men who were nearer to death than this and yet by some force of will or perhaps some power greater than us they survived .
4 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
5 The mine is to become operational by 1985 but the cost of producing the coal in conditions where the hydraulic systems of the excavators freeze and burst in the intense cold is such that only by CPE ( Centrally Planned Economy ) economics would the project be viable .
6 But er course we n n never got any money because we er m it more or less disbanded the Notts miners ' union that did , it er it took everything away was That was when we were er er s the Spencer union was formed more or less by the management .
7 We we we know one or two people erm more or less by face , not by name .
8 Grain went from Rumania to Danzig by sea , all the way round Europe , and still cost 30 per cent less than overland by rail .
9 Children who were presented with a nonsense syllable alongside more and less in a variety of contexts made it contrast with more and less by adding or subtracting much smaller amounts ; by adding or subtracting everything ; by introducing some quite different manipulation ( stirring , flicking , rolling , tossing up and down , mixing both piles together ) , and so on .
10 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
11 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he very firmly and convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
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