Example sentences of "[det] [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now this will surprise you , I know ; but my mother has pointed that out time after time .
2 What renders science distinctive , then , is not so much the instruments that are played , for crude variants of these can be found wherever we look ; nor even the particular tune , for everyone plays brief snatches of this from time to time ; it is rather the sustained and collaborative elaboration of this particular melody in preference to all the others one might play .
3 I get tired of all this from time to time and attempt to get off the Circle Line and branch out into new conversational territory .
4 I do n't know about these , this person you 're thinking of but er a very common reaction , I certainly have this from time to time , it really does irritate my wife cos I usually wake her up , is you know , you 're just going off to sleep and you suddenly kind of feel you 're falling , does , does that happen ?
5 Vera would supply us with some from time to time and I know Uncle was partial to it .
6 This was originally discovered in birds , where seed-eaters were seen to switch from one type of seed to another from time to time , regardless of the nutritional similarity of the seeds .
7 All of them , it was presumed , would continue to exist , adjusting their claims against one another from time to time , and extending their influence , sometimes , into areas where , as yet , no equilibrium of forces existed .
8 Norris virtually admits as much from time to time .
9 Then there is also that nasty little disorder called ‘ eating amnesia ’ which afflicts us all from time to time .
10 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
11 Average cereal prices were seriously higher after 1760 than they had been in the early eighteenth century so there was less fluctuation around the breadline in the first half of the century , but the relief-dependent population was even so probably not much below 10 per cent in most parishes in most years and capable of rising much above that from time to time in localities affected by short-term unemployment of the kind that manufacturing slumps could bring even to the pre-industrial economy .
12 With increasing unemployment and early retirements , the Church will need to do fresh thinking in the area of ministry to those with time on their hands , opening up opportunities to learn new skills and engage in spheres of community service .
13 True four-wheel drive vehicles or those with time for a 30-kilometre trek could have probably made it , but we , having neither time nor lockable differentials , carried on across the edge of Mývatnsöræfi , a huge featureless desert of lava and ash fields .
14 ‘ Oh , so you 're just some sort of brief acquaintance , then ? ’ she murmured , adding softly as she prepared to sip her drink , so that only Robyn could catch her words , ‘ Luke tends to have those from time to time .
15 You know , I 've had one or , or two of those from time to time .
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