Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The thing about the Neighbourhood Watch is that everyone in the area is a member whether they really want to be one or not to be honest .
2 The negative reactions have the opposite aim : ‘ that nothing of the forgotten traumas shall be remembered and nothing repeated ’ .
3 Hang on a minute — there 's another me in the dream … standing outside in the star-studded night .
4 Listening to this I on the whole thought that in a real sense he never really quite answered them , on the other hand he made every single person look silly .
5 We saw this ourselves during the filming of a television sequence on the laying behaviour of the cuckoo .
6 Of course he had wondered this himself in the past .
7 What lies in pieces around them represents , in effect , a unique private exhibition open to a lucky few who for the first time in generations have had the opportunity for hands-on experience of greatness .
8 Stuart liked this one across the road .
9 Ministers will also be seeking to lift sagging Tory morale , by offering assurances on a range of issues , which promise to make this one of the most difficult annual conferences the party leadership has faced since Margaret Thatcher came to office .
10 Fast access to hundreds of teletext information pages and a matching stand for your Video recorder , makes this one of the most impressive new products currently on rental .
11 Governments nowadays rarely seek to secure parliamentary endorsement for Acts containing very wide or uncontrollable powers and this fact , together with the surveillance exercised by the scrutiny committee render this one of the most efficiently discharged of Parliament 's functions .
12 It is always dangerously easy to write superficially about human relationships , particularly this one of the mother and daughter living together in old age , picturing them enjoying endless winter evenings by the fire , with never a cross word , and long summer afternoons in a garden of roses , sitting in deckchairs on a lawn that never needs mowing .
13 Was this one of the first disco records ?
14 Ward has modified the aircraft 's firewall extensively , and has added T-28 brakes and other modifications such as extra wing spars , which will make this one of the finest Bearcats flying .
15 Hence Hoi-Polloi , for instance ; this one of the less strange namings amongst the thousands Godolphin had encountered .
16 Culinary skills in the kitchen have made this one of the most popular hotels in St. Wolfgang .
17 Houses are thrown open as Malaysians entertain their family and friends , firecrackers are let off everywhere and colourful lion dances make this one of the year 's favourite events .
18 The women regard this one of the great triumphs of COPPES , ad previously the food was very low nutritive value and unhygienically prepared , the source of continuous gastro-enteritic disorders .
19 Less than twenty of them finally made it back to England , alas — but their sale at Sotheby 's made this one of the most profitable ventures we 've ever engaged in , and did much to offset our subsequent post-production costs !
20 Large size , long angled wings , white head and underparts , and habit of fishing by diving from air makes this one of the most distinctive birds of prey ; much larger White-tailed Eagle and smaller Marsh Harrier ( p. 87 ) , both pale-headed birds seen over water , have dark underparts .
21 Is this one of the reasons why 1 million people are missing off the electoral register ?
22 ‘ Is this one of the wines you import , Mr Hepwood ? ’ she asked — and suddenly , as everyone looked a trace amused , any tension she had imagined to be there magically disappeared .
23 First 10 correct entries opened after that date will each win a copy of Everton Player By Player , whose pictures and text by Ivan Ponting will make this one of the soccer books of the year .
24 I think this one of the last of them now .
25 Is this one of the ducks at the place ?
26 Have you had any problems with this one over the years ?
27 Okay I thank I think tell me e tell me what where you 'd put capitals on this one about the cricket .
28 How the House will have valued yet another statement from the hon. Member for Dagenham , this one to the effect that he would do something only in extremis .
29 A typical pattern is described by a former minister of transport and subsequent chairman of BR : ‘ Over and over again we could have settled much more cheaply by settling more quickly but , at each stage , we were told that we must not settle quickly because the Government really were going to fight this one to the bitter end …
30 He decided to leave this one for the moment but logged the fact that Jennifer Morgan had still been interested in , and comfortable with , the man who had become her sister 's fiancé .
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