Example sentences of "[det] [art] time is " in BNC.

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1 and what women are experiencing half the time is perfectly rational .
2 In a class where almost half the time is spent on administrative matters , the time left over for active engagement in learning tasks is severely curtailed .
3 For when you are dry , empty , sick , or weak , at such a time is your prayer most pleasing to me though you find little enough to enjoy in it ’ ’
4 What you say at such a time is also important .
5 What your suffering friend needs at such a time is to have you just listen , not to judge or to find the answer but to offer practical support if necessary .
6 To have a noisy celebration going on at such a time is causing considerable distress to the family of the late Sir Nelson . ’
7 You can be nice with a slight edge of cynicism like Ludovic Kennedy , Alan Whicker or Desmond Lynam but , in adult television at least , being pleasant about everything all the time is best left to constitutional monarchs .
8 ‘ The idea that we want to be deal-makers all the time is something I would n't subscribe to , ’ he says , then adds , ‘ but we are only just starting ’ .
9 You 're normally never alone in prison , especially being in a dorm with eight people , and if you 're not used to it , the constant noise of people around you all the time is awful .
10 Because it 's doing this thing all the time is n't it ?
11 The logic of constructing courses so that students recognise the importance of language all the time is very compelling .
12 The point I am trying to make all the time is that erosion and deposition have frequently in the past been very short-term phenomena .
13 Losing his Filofax all the time is a problem .
14 Most studies which have attempted to establish laws about reaction time have assumed that stages ( a ) and ( c ) are relatively short and consider that effectively all the time is taken up by central processes .
15 Being 100% negative all the time is another .
16 What all the time is is ?
17 So I mean , now it 's apparent why he was there all the time is n't it , you know ?
18 Yeah , it 's been on all the time is n't it ?
19 What we plead with the government all the time is allow us a regime , a financial regime , that is reasonable and stable in order to do that .
20 Purchases are up more than I thought people purchasing all the time is , that 's fine , they 've got a system , we can describe that in a paragraph here and that 'll satisfy them but there 's more of a problem when we 're buying in the software , more than a one off thing .
21 I mean the thing that they latch onto all the time is that they think it 's perfectly reasonable that they should compliment a young woman and so on , and I do see , Bill , that this is a problem because these men have been brought up like this and they think of themselves as being polite and courteous and , you know , a little flirtatious and doing all the things that actually they were taught women like and is rather nice .
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