Example sentences of "[det] [noun] at a " in BNC.

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1 whether they 're correctly or incorrectly go through it , each each bit at a time , show me how you 're checking it .
2 each bit at a time .
3 Because no one can know at this stage what those conditions might be , it would be unwise for anyone now to decide irrevocably to take that decision at a future date .
4 Yes I think they have the the best information to be able to make that decision at a local level .
5 Suspicion of the king lingered on after the conclusion of the parliament of 1341 , and was probably intensified by his solemn revocation of the concessions he had made in that parliament at a council attended by all the magnates in early October 1341 .
6 As a rule ten lessons are given each term at a minimum cost of £70.00 per term .
7 The fund will be available on a claims-made basis to cover any loss suffered by a former shareholder who held shares during the period April 16 to December 1 1990 , and sold that stock at a loss as defined in the settlement agreement .
8 ‘ It 's questionable if you could change that perception at a national level .
9 He and Mother must have thought a great deal of the place to go to that expense at a time when money was so short .
10 The Glass-Steagall Act and the McFadden Act prevented banks from operating in more than a few states at a time , and also restricted their scope for involvement in the securities markets and other financial services — areas where their international competitors already had wide powers .
11 A MFN clause guarantees to a buyer that if , when the contract is concluded or within some specified time period later , the seller makes a sale to another buyer at a lower price , then the buyer in question will also receive that lower price .
12 The apparatus required for imprinting , and then for measuring the efficacy of the imprinting response , was large and elaborate ; it was impossible to train more than a few birds at a time .
13 On Wednesday 5 March 1980 , I explored the practicalities of this course at a meeting in the department and on 10 March I minuted the Prime Minister .
14 Although Frankie had been dozing , he was too hungry to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time .
15 Now , for just a few minutes at a time , focus on this image — and stir in desire .
16 TOWARDS the end of her life my mother was in hospital , a victim of Alzheimer 's Disease , a severe diabetic , unable to walk and increasingly unable to remain conscious for more than a few minutes at a time .
17 These played for only a few minutes at a time .
18 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
19 All she knew was that she was cold and hungry and thirsty , that she had not slept for more than few minutes at a time and that all her thoughts were with Tristram .
20 A breathless , pervasive sense of heat possessed her body at every return of the memory and she was unable to remain settled and at ease in her seat for more than a few minutes at a time .
21 He 'll cry long and hard , and though you can soothe him for a few minutes at a time , hours can pass without you ever really silencing the cries .
22 The two areas did differ in the level of statutory service provision ; in Ipswich , home help input was available only two or three days a week for up to one and a half hours at a time , and a financial assessment and payment for home help had recently been introduced .
23 That 's five and a half hours at a bit under two knots — say ten miles in round figures .
24 LAST WEEK I WANDERED off , rather against my better judgment , to kill a few hours at a thing called the Country Living Fair .
25 Hearing people are members of the dominant culture , who usually wish to preserve their hearing status and whose length of stay among deaf people is often no more than a few hours at a time .
26 ‘ The barrow now belongs to you , so never let it or the pitch out of your sight for more than a few hours at a time . ’
27 ‘ At times of recession , contractors are trying to maintain their market share and they do operate some contracts at a loss . ’
28 Part of the explanation is that artificial selection changes only a few characteristics at a time , whereas in nature many changes occur simultaneously .
29 Those who were looking forward to Col. Savill 's repeat of his much acclaimed talk last December ‘ The Summer Timetables of 1939 ’ , which some of us missed due to last year 's influenza epidemic or because of other engagements will be pleased to hear that Col. Savill has also agreed to give this talk at a future date .
30 I felt my way along , a few steps at a time , and every time I heard a voice or a footstep I stopped dead , clinging to whatever bit of masonry was under my hand and almost cowering with fright .
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