Example sentences of "[det] [noun] call for " in BNC.

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1 That decision called for the establishment of joint working parties , for each of the subject areas , with responsibility for devising guidelines for the new syllabuses and specifying the detailed criteria relating to their assessment .
2 Besides opening up and retaining choice of educational placement for pupils with severe visual handicaps , evidence of this kind calls for continuing research into the social aspects of integration for such pupils .
3 In simplified terms , this guidance calls for the following parameters : .
4 This pact called for the rival forces , confronting each other in the south of the city , to pull back and allow a neutral force under the control of the interim government to establish a buffer zone .
5 Kuhn 's direction has accuracy and breadth on its side , and also just speeds , but something of the incandescence this score calls for is missing .
6 This conference called for the unity of Palestine and Transjordan , and declared Abdallah king of all Palestine .
7 This strategy calls for the researchers to follow cases through from the point of initial application .
8 The sensitivity needed in this area calls for an emphasis on certain points before the more controversial ones are attempted .
9 This letter calls for further comment .
10 This situation called for a full-scale nervous breakdown .
11 This position calls for a thorough knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and the role and nature of clinical development .
12 This problem calls for a major change in the content of our primary education and for the raising of the school entry age so that the child is older when he leaves , and also able to learn more quickly while he is in school . ’
13 [ That this House calls for publication of the Register of Members '
14 That question calls for consideration of what was reasonably foreseeable as the future consequences of the careless act .
15 Billy Graham like all such evangelists called for people from the congregation to make an immediate decision and to come out from the crowd ; and Ramsey wrote that the call for an immediate decision had danger because the mind could be stifled in the process and this could bring a later revenge in scepticism and indifference .
16 But it was also recognized that such circumstances called for different strategies within the respective elementary and higher sectors of education .
17 Identification with the group in such circumstances calls for the rejection of that authority .
18 Normally , such affairs called for days of celebration .
19 ‘ Nevertheless , I thought two such discrepancies called for an explanation .
20 It is not , of course , easy to identify areas where spillovers are likely to be large a priori , but neither initiative calls for participants to make the case that the potential gains from their particular venture are likely to be large .
21 The asocial attitude which these pictures call for is not one normal to human beings of either sex .
22 And at the same time these voices call for some social sacrifices in the very idealistic belief that it 's better to have the pain all at once and be able to put the operation behind us .
23 When techniques are applied in the classroom and their effects are monitored , the question arises as to whether and to what extent these effects call for an adjustment of the techniques as realizations of a particular principle , or for a reappraisal of the principle itself .
24 APME president David Beynon said that ‘ these circumstances call for a disciplined and enlightened response from the industry ’ .
25 Both of these committees called for institutional change , and the Dooge called for the creation of an Internal Market .
26 These occupations called for specialised skill , training and personal persistence .
27 This leaves no room for the non-realization of the infinitive event since the action of producing an effect necessarily coincides in time with the appearance of the effect ( concurrent causation ) , and so both these verbs call for the bare infinitive .
28 After Feb. 24 opposition to the war was reduced , although 500 Moslems marched in London on that day calling for the withdrawal of allied troops .
29 NOW that several of his own teeth have lost their crowns , and the fillings beneath have deteriorated , Kenneth Anusavice wishes his mother had known what today 's studies have shown : that not all cavities call for immediate fillings and that it is not always necessary to replace fillings that break down because of wear and tear .
30 Equally , in practice , there will be many matters calling for decision where to insist on unanimity would be time-consuming and probably tendentious — the purchase of books for the library , decoration of the premises , recruitment of additional secretarial staff , and similar matters of an essentially administrative nature .
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