Example sentences of "[det] [noun] have for " in BNC.

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1 Scholars in this field had for some time been engaged in a debate over the importance of acquired and inherited personality traits in behaviour .
2 As you suggested , I have set down what significance I think this experience has for me .
3 To this end , this association has for some years now made the data sheet compendium — written originally for doctors and pharmacists — available to public libraries and , on request , to individual members of the public .
4 We consider below the implications this result has for policy , and in chapter 6 we show how it can serve as the basis for an empirical test of the model .
5 For all these reasons some economists have for years advocated this approach to monetary policy and during the 1970s a number of governments began at least to pay lip service to it by announcing target rates of growth for the money supply over the coming year .
6 Although she always insists , quite correctly , on the importance of social and economic aspects of medical practice , Moscucci also reveals the complexity of medical thinking , and the capacity some practitioners had for developing critical perspectives on their own procedures .
7 We must also consider the opportunity that some occupations have for deliberately restricting access to the acquisition of the skills needed to do the job , thereby keeping down their distribution amongst the population , and enabling them to claim higher rewards in the market place .
8 ‘ There was nothing confidential about it : it was a bright idea some Americans had for setting up training courses — that sort of thing — for their businessmen and other people coming over to Britain for the first time .
9 It may happen that the optimal tableau of LPk for some k has for all in a row i containing a structural variable x r and is not integral .
10 This structure had for long been partially responsible for delay in their legal recognition , since the civil law had not yet come to express it in terms it could comprehend .
11 admitting things like losing fifty billion quid on fluttering on foreign exchanges er Mr did or flittering away the north sea oil revenue in tax cuts for higher earners rather than er keeping that er once in a life time er bonus that this country had for the north sea oil and also you could mention the increased pension for but it did n't match billions that have been wasted on defence expenditure especially defence expenditure and especially the trident programme .
12 In England this power has for a very long time been delegated , so far as barristers are concerned , to the Inns of Court : and , for a much shorter time , so far as solicitors are concerned , to the Law Society .
13 Such contact had for her possessed beauty , and he had shaken hands with her upon it ; he had not yelled at her for what she had not given .
14 Such arrangements have for some time been permitted so long as clients are fully informed of the nature of the company and the profits go to the firm .
15 The project will make use of this to investigate what informal agreements between employers and employees will be self-enforcing and what implications the use of such agreements has for the nature of contractual relations in employment , for the internal labour organization of firms , for the way labour markets operate , and for the nature and level of unemployment .
16 A painting by Carrà entitled Simultaneità , which shows a figure in a series of successive attitudes , indicates that Simultaneity had for the Futurists also the simpler meaning of the combination of different aspects of objects or people in motion into a single painting .
17 But you do not take account of the consumption value these improvements have for your neighbours .
18 This project has two foci : one examining the implications which Islamic conceptions of the state have for Middle Eastern politics , the other examining the implications these conceptions have for the substantial Muslim community now resident in Britain .
19 Nurses should therefore discover from patients what meaning these words have for them , so that they can be sure that they and the patients are talking about the same conditions .
20 And what consequences do these principles have for children 's acquisition of the lexicon ?
21 I think you will find that it owes it resiliency not to its form of organisation or administrative skills , but to the power of what we call beliefs and the appeal these beliefs have for its people . ’
22 However , essential as that support is , perhaps the greatest drive of all comes from the normal dreams that all parents have for their children .
23 For example , it is possible to exploit the capacity that many plants have for asexual or vegetative reproduction to produce stocks from cuttings .
24 In my herb book , what on the years ago that 's all people had for medicines was herbs
25 It will be hard for us to be away from Andrew and Peter over Christmas and New Year but the boys have been really encouraging , telling us to go for all God has for us .
26 On the basis of this scientific fact you can readily understand why many doctors have for years discouraged overweight people from eating carbohydrate-rich foods .
27 I understand the emotional pull that devolution has for people in Scotland , but I hope that every Scot will examine very carefully what it would mean in practice for Scotland and for the rest of the United Kingdom .
28 A common agreement between two or more persons having for its object the death of all of them , whether or not each is to take his own life , but nothing shall be treated as done by him in pursuance of the pact unless it is done while he has the settled intention of dying in pursuance of the pact .
29 My own company has for many years had the ambition to have our business spread in rough proportion to the pattern of chemical demand in the world market .
30 The use of a written procedure was pioneered in the House of Lords where each party has for some years been required to lodge a ‘ Case ’ with the court which is very similar to the skeleton arguments more recently introduced in the Court of Appeal .
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