Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [vb -s] so " in BNC.

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1 The proliferation of this literature has so simplified going into our wilderness areas that readers are literally taken by the hand .
2 Few geniuses seems so untouched , in a fashion-ridden world , by the fashions of the moment .
3 Until some genius does so , controversies like the one which surrounded this year 's Mildmay Course at Aintree , are bound to crop up from time to time .
4 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
5 This chapter has so far focused mainly upon south Korea and on the American-Soviet deliberations upon producing a unified administration .
6 The discussion in this chapter has so far not explicitly recognized the changes that have been taking place and will continue to take place in manufacturing methods .
7 This interview means so much to her , ’ she explained in a hurry .
8 This work seems so much more relevant to the training of doctors in a developing country than theoretical exercises in high-technology medicine still promoted in the undergraduate syllabus of many a traditional school .
9 But in the ensuing duet for Balstrode and Grimes , this motif gets so entangled with Grimes 's personal strife and obstinate nature that by the time the " Storm " interlude itself begins ( with a variant of the fugue subject ) we may genuinely wonder whether the hurricane is not as much an inward as an outward affair .
10 It is unfortunate that when a problem of this sort gets so much publicity it can become the bandwagon on which those who desperately want attention jump .
11 There is no reason to suppose , however , that unemployment among this group creates so few problems that we can ignore it .
12 This overlap happens so frequently that you must be prepared to live with it .
13 You 're not sure why this criticism comes so vigorously your way .
14 THIS magazine has so far avoided the temptation to stick compact discs , screwdrivers , knitting patterns or any other free gift on its front cover .
15 Yet the opacity and lack of conviction of this paper has so disappointed directors that no vote will now take place .
16 ‘ Winning this tournament means so much to me , ’ he said .
17 Note that as the number of users specified at this keyword increases so does the USER DETAILS data transfer time and the response time of the USER DETAILS related views .
18 Note that as the number of users specified at this keyword increases so does the MODULE DETAILS data transfer time and the response time of the MODULE DETAILS related views .
19 Note that as the number of users specified at this keyword increases so does the DC DETAILS data transfer time and the response time of the DC DETAILS related views .
20 I would n't trust anything this government does so
21 It son a Thomas Cook Travel Book award along with its good reviews and I wanted to spend some time with the lensman responsible , to find out why this man sees so much more than nearly all his contemporaries .
22 This pipe conducts so , so many gallons , that so many gallons .
23 This account has so far been in partial equilibrium terms .
24 There used to be a sign on the tower which read ’ Anyone committing suicide off the top of this tower does so at their own risk . ’
25 It is true that the media have developed procedures for self-regulation to forestall all-embracing legislation , but many would question how effective this self-regulation has so far been .
26 I 'm amazed that this country appears so stable as inflation , they say , has gone up 250% ( ! ) in the last 3 years and wages have only kept pace with about half of that , and only yesterday a newspaper posted on the canteen wall announced a massive corruption deal whereby the country 's leaders made 81 billion cruzeiros out of currency exchange .
27 This country has so far gone in the opposite direction .
28 This convention works so powerfully precisely because , in life , it is not like that .
29 The problem is the indication given by the Attorney-General that if this House does so , your Lordships may be infringing the privileges of the House of Commons .
30 Using Kirchhoff 's current law at the noninverting input of this trigger gives so that Hence the output switches over to the opposite saturation state from positive and negative saturation when respectively It is said that the circuit acts as a discriminator .
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