Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [to-vb] back " in BNC.

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1 All that money to come back again .
2 Jesus said just before he was living his disciples , his followers , you and me , he said you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me yes we witness by our life but there 's a danger in making that a cop out , because one other requirement of a witness is that they talk , they 've got ta say what they know , these four men were good witnesses , they went back and they told the city what they had found , and there 's placed upon you and me that responsibility to go back and to tell what we 've found , this is a day of good tidings , we do wrong to keep silent .
3 He will have little opportunity to stand back and examine the data in the cool light of the academic ‘ ivory tower ’ .
4 The time taken by the sound of each click to bounce back from the rock to the bird , enables the swiftlet to judge just how far away it is from the rock wall ahead .
5 He began by taking the wrong road out of Burford , then tried this lane to get back to the A40 .
6 As we prepare for the future , we thought we 'd take a few minutes to look back — at the first ten years of Central News .
7 However fast the army was marching , the Forteviot men would take an hour to reach them , and another hour to come back .
8 ‘ I need a few hours to report back to the office , then my time can be my own .
9 She fixed a doubtful gaze on the whiskery young protester , willing him by some telepathy to keep back out of the way .
10 At odd intervals external debt considerations , balance of payments constraints and reduced international capital inflows have forced some NICs to cut back their economic development programmes , with consequential rises in unemployment and related social problems .
11 Jean : She 's told some kids to go back to their own country .
12 They had some beliefs and practices that seemed to link with the early days of the Old Testament , possibly due to some earlier Christian influence , believed by some missionaries to trace back to Nestorian missionaries moving through parts of Burma into China .
13 People like daddy have to hold the ring , they 're a sort of bedrock , to make sure there 's always some civilisation to fall back on .
14 Garry Whannel traced four main themes in the analysis of football hooliganism in the popular press in the 1970s : fans were ‘ mindless/senseless ’ ; they were ‘ maniacs/lunatics ’ ; ‘ foul/subhuman ’ ( which led some fans to chant back at the police and the respectable public ‘ We hate humans ’ ) ; finally that they were ‘ so-called supporters ’ and in a small minority , i.e. they made up only a very small percentage of the crowd and they had little interest in the game itself .
15 Going to buy a few souvenirs to take back home ? ’
16 What I do want is some wine to take back to school tomorrow , oh er I mean
17 They were persuaded after a few days to go back to far-off Shaanxi province and continue to do their duty in their ‘ adopted rural home ’ .
18 And because this phrase has been much abused and misunderstood , it may be useful at this point to refer back to Erikson , to whom we owe it in the first place .
19 ‘ It was an unbelievable move and it took me a few weeks to come back down to earth . ’
20 But he witnesses a growing determination among some tenants to fight back against their landlords ' dubious practices .
21 In a separate move , oil industry officials in the Arabian Gulf expressed fears that the US plans for an energy tax might upset market stability by causing some producers to cut back on investment .
22 and time for this reporter to go back to school .
23 But Melody ( 6-4 fav ) , feeling the strain of a gruelling season , failed by three and a half lengths to pull back the Isle of Man-owned winner .
24 No I er I 've got some bits to give back to Julie , there 's those tapes and I do n't want to listen to it , you know ?
25 He therefore had to work quickly and collect some information to take back to Burnell in London .
26 We came on this trip to take back children .
27 I always intended to , but I wanted a reason or some credibility to go back with , so that our gesture was n't completely fruitless or looked as if it had been a complete waste of time .
28 in fact we 'll , we 'll probably go and buy , buy some coffee to bring back anyway
29 I mean my dear , I said to Paul , Paul yesterday was was babbling on about if Karen would take him back and I said Paul I shall be extremely displeased if you ever leave this house to go back to Karen , you know o after only being with me for something like three or four weeks , I said you 'll never come back again I said I 'm not going to be messed about like that !
30 I am aware , when I go on publicity tours , that the necessity to project yourself , to sell your product , all the time , moves you into the outward and trivial parts of your personality , and it takes some time to get back to being centred , and to finding who you are again within yourself . ’
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