Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It simply it simply does n't serve a purpose for me to allow that division to open up .
2 All that money to come back again .
3 Is it not true that the Government want to divert that money to keep down the poll tax in Wandsworth and Westminster ?
4 Younger son , very much so ; brothers Army , one already out in France ; chilly place in Northumberland ; little money to go round ; parents chilly too , as well as proud and stiff .
5 I learned that my wife had been released but had very little money to live on .
6 His homosexuality made him an outcast , he had no job to do , very little money to live on , and ended his days in an alcoholic haze clinging desperately to his Old Etonian tie as the last link with his sordid past .
7 This is simply an agreement by each creditor to hold off and not to press his claim for settlement for an agreed period as long as the other creditors do likewise .
8 The US company Du Pont acknowledged the same day that it had exported to Iraq a special lubricant used for nuclear weapons but stressed that permission to do so had been granted by the US government in 1989 .
9 if they just bring one , I shall say well I 've got choice then to say well is this this week 's or last week 's , now I do n't want to give them that opportunity to say well she 's worrying about one week 's wages , I mean Jan could love that and that 's given him chance to bring er , whereas if it pops through the door , or he comes
10 We had the opportunity to make a fundamental change , and I could not believe that we would allow that opportunity to slip away .
11 I am so very very glad to have had that opportunity to help both Brian and SUSIE when they stayed that month with me — and only wish I saw more of her .
12 Many in both parties now recognise this , and that unity to bring about change in the way Scotland is governed is the only way forward .
13 I resolved to take the first thing that came along and from that base to look further afield if need be .
14 Jesus said just before he was living his disciples , his followers , you and me , he said you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me yes we witness by our life but there 's a danger in making that a cop out , because one other requirement of a witness is that they talk , they 've got ta say what they know , these four men were good witnesses , they went back and they told the city what they had found , and there 's placed upon you and me that responsibility to go back and to tell what we 've found , this is a day of good tidings , we do wrong to keep silent .
15 We also felt that Zephyr had been under pressure due to her immense popularity and had been given little opportunity to show off the gentle side of her nature — in the same way the more extrovert patients had dominated the evening while those of shy and retiring nature had slightly missed out .
16 He will have little opportunity to stand back and examine the data in the cool light of the academic ‘ ivory tower ’ .
17 The real difficulty is in each case to ascertain how far such implications extend .
18 It is theoretically possible in each case to work out the maximum sustainable yield , and to determine which classes of the animal — superfluous young ones , superfluous males , old ones — can safely be caught without damaging the stocks .
19 With the Everqueen lost , the Elves had little heart to fight on .
20 It appears to be at the discretion of each branch to decide how nursing vacancies are publicised .
21 The Home office has invented that story to cover up their own cock up .
22 The time taken by the sound of each click to bounce back from the rock to the bird , enables the swiftlet to judge just how far away it is from the rock wall ahead .
23 Royal icing takes a little practice to spread evenly and pipe , but the results are well worth the effort .
24 Could new staff spend time in each department to find out how the CIB really works ?
25 It requires little research to do so , largely because West German specialists and journalists rushed across the frontier and came back gasping out tales of air pollution four times worse than West Germany 's , of mercury levels in the Elbe that were 250 times EC limits , of forests where 40 per cent of the trees are sick .
26 For each cell to function correctly , the concentration of electrolytes and the amount and distribution of body fluids needs to be maintained within narrow limits .
27 A Director will cast this type of actress because he knows that is the kind of personality he wants brought out in this character , and he can rely on that actress to give just such a performance .
28 You 're better off rewording that criterion to say as close en er to York as is consistent with greenbelt policy .
29 The arguments which ought to be used by each side to explain why they support or reject these provisions are set out opposite .
30 They agreed that action to attract more foreign investment to the east should include a reliable legal framework to protect investment and private property , proper banking systems , rules on responsibility for environmental damage , and clear contract laws .
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