Example sentences of "[det] [verb] that [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Italian bankers also welcome the introduction of universal banking , though some grumble that regulators have been slow to bring the country into line with other European states .
2 It was amusing to see one middle-aged panellist 's efforts to keep a piece of paper judiciously positioned on his lap , while another revealed that flaps of loose skin other than the ear-lobes and the nostrils can be pierced with decorative pins .
3 This found that girls who had felt isolated and embarrassed about being pregnant or having babies felt less stigma about this after they had attended the units and could take a much more realistic view of their situation .
4 Some say that gleams of a remoter world
5 And if she has already enjoyed the satisfaction of having climbed to a new standard of proficiency , higher than she has been before , why should she care one way or another to know that others have not yet reached this standard ?
6 This emphasises that goods must fulfil three basic conditions :
7 It was widely assumed that motion pictures would be sexually suggestive and probably explicit , the whole tone seemed secular and irresponsible , and few doubted that children and the weak-minded were being pointed towards crime and degeneracy .
8 This suggest that mispricings can be used to predict subsequent price movements .
9 This assumes that girls themselves want to do this , unlike Kate whose response to being given contraceptive pills by her mother was to put them down the toilet .
10 This assumes that firms always set price equal to average costs because they are constrained by the level of competition to making only normal profits .
11 This assumes that patterns and trends which can be identified in past ( historical ) sets of data may be projected forward , especially under stable economic , market and organisational conditions , for the purpose of forecasting perhaps up to one year ahead .
12 This assumes that companies will respond to a weakening share price by improving efficiency in the long term , rather than by making short-term savings which might help the company 's performance in the short term ( known as short termism ) , to the detriment of long-term performance .
13 Alternatively these techniques could be applied to every one of the candidate strings for each word position identified as a potential error ( again it should be noted that this assumes that errors can be identified , which may be doubtful for our system ) .
14 But this assumes that individuals within the state have some prior and superior knowledge of what the interests of capital ( and its monopoly sectors ) are in a crisis .
15 This assumes that words have clear , fixed meanings and that the purpose of language is to represent states of affairs accurately .
16 All this assumes that constituencies have been determined ; that the persons voting have become qualified to do so ; and that candidates for election are qualified to sit if elected .
17 This assumes that governments are willing to make all their objectives explicit , that they can specify them precisely , and that they are stable over time .
18 This assumes that banks have surplus liquidity in the first place .
19 There is an arrow straight to absentee behaviour ; this says that women are more likely to be absent from work than men , regardless of the kind of job they are in .
20 This says that agents use all the available information to forecast the future spot rate ; that is , they form rational expectations of the future exchange rate .
21 However there was some hope that proposals for " Unity " put forward by a self-effacing and cooperative Communist Party might be accepted by the Left of the Labour Party .
22 This stipulated that products had to be fit for their purpose and meet standards of appearance and finish being free from minor defects as well as safe and durable .
23 This assumed that women could afford to be economically dependent , which was rarely the case , and offered an individualist solution to what were complex environmental , social and economic problems .
24 Some claimed that Jobs could be tyrannical and destructive ( Butcher 1988 : 117–126 ) .
25 This confirms that lesions associated with one particular virus type may show diverse morphological characteristics .
26 This requires that answers be precoded so that the responses can be fed straight into a computer which has been programmed to receive them .
27 Since this requires that speakers be informative , the asserting of tautologies blatantly violates it .
28 Over recent years schoolteachers and others concerned with the teaching of languages have ‘ puzzled their brains ’ about the role of grammar in language learning , and some maintain that students can manage without it .
29 This states that individuals will value currencies for the bundle of goods that can be purchased with them .
30 Some decide that computers have no place whatsoever , some regard computers as cheap and reliable " clerical " labour fit for nothing other than " payroll crunching " , others find a niche for computing in the successful management of the business .
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