Example sentences of "[det] which be the " in BNC.

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1 It is this that one is seeking to transmit and show , and it is this which is the key to the wholehearted and free contribution of the individual .
2 Sometimes it is this which is the patient 's most obvious symptom : comprehension of speech is very good and spontaneous speech can be well-articulated , grammatical and fluent , except that every so often the patient stops speaking because he simply can not find the word he wants to say .
3 Erm , so the , that that seems to be getting towards something that Freud is saying , another aspe aspect of this which is the compulsive aspect , the feeling that you got ta keep doing it .
4 You 've er got a copy of my written statement and I 'll try to avoid repeating anything from that document , but it leans heavily on this which is the Richmondshire local plan interim statement .
5 I mean , one or two , I mean t you 've got a copy have n't ya of latest missive on this which was the twenty third of December actually about all these things .
6 In the decoding direction , hard has at least two senses : one which is the opposite of " easy " , and another which is the opposite of " soft " — in other words , hard is ambiguous or polysemous .
7 Neither semantics nor logic requires V P structure , a priori , that is there 's no particular reason why you 'd expect verb phrase structuring in particular from either of those two enterprises , because either could get by with er either the flat structure Florence teased Dougal , that 's the structure in T three three separate constituents , or teased Florence Dougal where teased is one constituent and Florence Dougal is another which is the way we most standardly do it calculus and that works fine .
8 The same point applies to Tillich 's definition of religion as Ultimate Concern which refers not simply to man 's subjective concern , that is , the expression of his Ultimate Concern , but what he is ultimately concerned about , or that which is the source of his concern .
9 He might also inquire how a man can come to regard that which is the main purpose of his life as dispensable just in order to fit into the utilitarian formula .
10 Resiting the aquarium to a warm living room will cut this cost by anything up to 50% because the heater will only operate briefly and it is that which is the main user of power .
11 This is because the recognition of sign language as the natural language of deaf people would mean that they would become aligned with members of other cultural minorities who are isolated from special needs legislation because their ‘ home language ’ is different from that which is the language of instruction used in schools ( Section 1(2) , Education Act 1981 ) .
12 Erm it 's perhaps en encompassed in that which is the total completion er for the fourth group .
13 Broadly speaking , as far as these writers are concerned , psychological understanding of the self was Augustinian in its emphasis on memory as the power of the mind which brings to consciousness that which is the object of the will — itself the indicator of the affections and disposition of the mind and intellect .
14 It is the latter which is the main focus of this chapter .
15 There are several consequences of this complexity and they include the following : ( 1 ) It is difficult to distinguish those events which are the result of the project from those which are the result of other events contemporary with the project .
16 Now out of those four hundred complaints that we receive every week , if you take away all those which are the customer 's own fault and all those which are caused by genuine mistakes you 're still left with a lot of problems which are caused either by ignorance of the law or misinterpretation of the law .
17 This starts to unravel the blue book , hopefully , and identifies those which refer to the quality , whi which are quality procedures , and those which are the other procedures .
18 In fact there had not been one unified element to the train which followed Artai 's progress but several , and those which were the designated efforts of individual districts of the city , or of the guilds , now moved away to become the driving force behind a carnival which ruled every street .
19 Strangely enough one could believe that the slightest glimmer of light on the dark horizon could be the lights of Geneva , and the glimmer became a glow and the glow became more positive and one could distinguish the lights which were real lights and those which were the reflections on the lake .
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