Example sentences of "[det] not [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 the movement which , at the close of the colonial era , led it to be asked of the West what entitles its culture , its science , its social organization , and finally its rationality itself , to be able to claim universal validity : was this not a mirage associated with economic domination and political hegemony ?
2 The Kenyans have gone to enormous trouble to make this not a murder . ’
3 Is this not a form of stereotyping at least as damaging as racist and sexist attitudes ?
4 Unfortunately , the print echo is only active whilst the CLI indicator is present , so this not a lot of use to us !
5 is this not a recipe for disaster ?
6 Why is this not an explanation of the lunar crust being thicker on one side than on the other ?
7 Were this not the case , the buy-in would be tax free to a corporate shareholder because , by virtue of s208 , the corporate shareholder would not be liable to corporation tax on the distribution , unless it is taken into account in the shareholder 's capital gains tax computation ( the latter not being precluded by s208 ) .
8 At least , is this not the tendency in the beginning with most very young children and certainly with lively , healthy ones ?
9 The testimony of a witness in a case tried at Matara early in the nineteenth century illustrates the lack of plausibility of much court testimony : ‘ I saw the two prisoners drive a head of cattle — It was in the high road — It was about two hours before dark — We asked them where are you going with the animal — Is this not the animal of the schoolmaster .
10 The second point is that I 've , the Americans I , I , it 's one of the promises about street life in second from the bottom , two weeks in the winter , four weeks in the summer , well I know to my cost erm through my ear being blasted which is why you 're a County Councillor anyway , that it 's been six weeks at the present time , we 've had a lot of lights going down , okay we 're trying to improve it , we had people walking into cars , er , er a few burglaries which I 'm pleased to say the police have helped out in , but if we 're going to change and get it down from a level of six weeks to two weeks as it is in the area I represent , is that not a question of putting extra resources in it and there 's no good putting promises unless we can deliver .
11 ‘ Was that not a bit risky ? ’
12 Is that not a co-operative ?
13 Does your husband accept that perhaps he ought to be looking after the baby alternate weeks , or is that not a solution to the problem ?
14 think that format 's alright , is that not a contradiction because if it 's a joint statement and this format 's alright you 've got staff comment divorced from pupil comment ?
15 It should be noted , first , that not every class , in all circumstances , shows the capacity to create those organizations which are essential if it is to engage seriously in political struggles .
16 But was that not the stable where little Tom … ?
17 Mr , is that not the case .
18 Miss Logan , embarrassed by Our Lord 's words to Nicodemus , was instead thinking about bitumen : was that not the material used by artists to blacken the shadows in their paintings ?
19 When it comes to really assist those who er of the so I I would be grateful if members would remember that this item is on the agenda because first of all petition received and secondly because there is no explanation in that not the time to discuss whether this application should be .
20 That not the point
21 Is that not the truth ?
22 Was that not the reason behind Kronweiser 's enquiry at Olivera 's ?
23 That not the obedience to rules , but the ‘ sense of honour ’ enables agents to ‘ engender all the practices consistent with the logic of challenge and riposte ’ .
24 ‘ Is that not the job of our local police ? ’
25 Is that not an example of private wealth at the expense of public underfunding ?
26 It clearly implies a world order in which the prime virtue is obedience , not a world order that 's exactly to our twentieth century democratic taste , but then after all not a world order altogether to Milton 's taste , as we can remind ourselves by thinking of his plea for unlicensed printing the Areopagitica .
27 There is after all not a lot that sets franchise outlets apart from other businesses .
28 Also , as West European capitalism filtered across Germany and set in motion the inevitable homogenisation of markets and language within the customs union , the reaction of the Polish subject people , who were after all not the primary , nor even secondary , beneficiaries of capitalist modes of production and the spread of profit , and who had behind them a different set of cultural and political orientations , was similar to that of the Germans .
29 All the same not every lessee was enumerated as a resident of the parish where the land was situated : in Kidderminster Foreign only one out of the five named was .
30 coming back would be one-many not a function .
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