Example sentences of "[det] and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Mum , Tim is making me drop this and hurt the fish .
2 The more sophisticated falsificationist realizes the inadequacy of this and recognizes the importance of the role played by confirmation of speculative theories as well as the falsification of well-established ones .
3 In attempting to elaborate upon this and to answer the question , ‘ How do we establish other rights , or define the content of the rights which are enumerated ? ’ ,
4 Haymo receiving news of this and hearing the commotion sent word to the Archbishop for further news , but found that the worthy Primate had left with his attendants and was well on the road to Kent .
5 Please could you look into this and reassess the need for parking restrictions on this particular section of the highway .
6 Kelly understood this and played the game as well as anyone .
7 The prior broke this and lifted the lid .
8 Pass through this and follow the wall on your left which leads to another kissing gate .
9 But can we go ‘ deeper ’ than this and pinpoint the conditions of existence of these problems ?
10 Any woman who had to go further than this and shoulder the burden of full-time work in addition to her domestic duties was often pitied by other married women .
11 Their supervisor noted this and investigated the situation .
12 This attracted the attention of the local landowning family who were not at all happy with this and threatened the founders .
13 One of these days I 'll go out like this and scare the whole population , 'cos they 'll think I 'm in me bare pelt . ’
14 Four pairs of eyes fastened momentarily on this and absorbed the fact that they had been cheated .
15 Some stabilisation of Gaelic has occurred since 1961 and the project , following previous pilot studies , aims to indicate the factors promoting this and to assess the strength of factors working against language-maintenance .
16 Many Iranians around the Shah believed that the British resented this and blamed the Shah for it .
17 MacMillan and Ashton understood this and emphasised the main action .
18 As a user requires an additional allocation of a resource the system manager should be able to authorize this and inform the system of the new limits .
19 ‘ Should the thief read this and comprehend the distress he has caused as well as the futility of his action , if he organises the return of our parts , perhaps through a third party , then we will take no further action . ’
20 Only see one way in which we are like God is in having moral and spiritual capacities no other creature has moral and spiritual capacities , they do not of the potential to worship , they do not of a code er , er , of moral laws , they 're not governed by that , it 's a case of , of the , might makes right , it 's a case of the strongest the one that survives and the weakest goes to the wall you 've only got to look er at a litter of pups and the last one is the one that 's pushed to the back every time is n't it , there 's no moral law there , those pups and the , and the bitch does n't er work out , that because that one is weaker it should be getting more , more nourishment , it should be cared for better , it does n't work like that in any thing else , but God has placed within humanity a moral responsibility and his place within as a spiritual capacity , were more than just animals , were created in his image , so God created us , capable of knowing him and growing to be like him and in his original creation they 're in need of , the , the , the highlight of it was when he came down and communicated and talked with Adam and Eve there in the garden and shared his heart with them and there was this perfect commune between God the creator and man his creation , he never did it to any animal , he did n't go and talk to the trees and the plants perfect though they were , he never looked on any of the other creatures that he had made , wonderful though they may be , beautiful in their colouring , and go and talk with them , but he talks with Adam and he shares his heart with him his purpose is that Adam should communicate with him and walk with him and has fellowship with him , growing to be like him , but you see even though God created us like that , he did n't create us as puppets , it was n't God up in heaven pulling the strings and Adam did that and Eve did this and that was how it were , God is not a puppeteer and he made as capable of choosing good and evil , he gave us moral choices , because he made us his moral beings and so we could choose to do this and not to do that , we could choose to , to do this and to leave the other undone .
21 Getting out to open the passenger door for her , he noticed that , in contrast to Francesca , she expected this and accepted the courtesy gratefully .
22 Moderator I , I feel I 'd still want to resist this and hope the assembly would not accept it .
23 He unites us to Christ , he gives life , he renews us , he calls us to serve I think these are all variations on the theme that Mr has in mind , and so I would resist this and hope the assembly will .
24 There is good evidence that ACE inhibitors will help to prevent this and reduce the chance of long-term heart failure and arrhythmias .
25 ‘ But surely you would do better to confront Theda with this and demand the truth from her ? ’
26 He also seems to go further than this and sets the pattern for future elite theorists in distinguishing between maximum utility for a community and maximum utility of a community .
27 Ha ha I 'll walk past this and open the door and then run down the other one and open that one !
28 Scott seemed satisfied by this and slipped the magazine free from his own pistol , jamming in the full one he 'd taken from Hitch 's Beretta .
29 Pass through this and cross the meadow to reach a metal gate with a stone stile at the side of it .
30 At each Hour a verse from the hymn is followed by a prayer which acknowledges this and sees the Incarnation as the means by which all men , both living and dead , can be united : The office thus daily rehearsed the historical story of the Passion of Christ and its significance in such a way that it is constantly renewed in human awareness through both the linear and cyclical experience of the passing of time .
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