Example sentences of "[det] be now a " in BNC.

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1 This is now a yearly fixture , as is a visit by members of the Hardy Plant Society , and a one-day opening to the public under the National Gardens Scheme .
2 This is now a serious threat to the health of Japan 's banking system and weakens the continuing ability and resolve to pump yen into overseas stock and property markets .
3 With modern word processing facilities this is now a much easier task .
4 This is now a typical case of the characteristic initial-value problem .
5 They still have a problem in managing the demands of Bob 's mother , but this is now a shared problem which they discuss and handle together rather than a seat of battle for the two women with Bob torn between them .
6 There used to be a public house , the Rugged World , but this is now a most attractive private house .
7 There was an ale house on the outskirts of the village kept by John Skaling — this is now a dwelling house , with a renovation plaque dated 1818 ; it is known as Skaling House .
8 This is now a self supporting unit .
9 This is now a smart market . ’
10 ( This is now a car park . )
11 Built as a Dominican monastery in the 14th century , this is now a majestic hotel of world renown in a setting of rare appeal .
12 Once a fishing village , this is now a friendly , lively international resort with a yacht marina .
13 Originally a private villa , this is now a refined and elegant hotel of subtle decor , run in a professional and truly friendly manner .
14 This is now a fashionable field commanding the attention of very prominent social theorists .
15 This is now a symbolic exchange , but it is a relic of the numerous treaties that once were made in the Pyrenean valleys to regulate the use of the high , communal pastures and put an end to the age-old practice of trespass or holding to ransom of intrusive livestock .
16 This is now a popular cruising link and the water quality in the Tame Valley canal improves markedly from here with the only weeds being small clumps of watercress along the edges .
17 This is now a quite normal Condition to impose on suppliers , whose output quality may be rigorously tested by customers prior to the acceptance of batches of products ; undertake ( and pay for ) specified research , development and design activities needed to meet the specifications laid down by the customer .
18 This is now a flourishing area of research , but we shall pick on only one illustration .
19 ‘ Or perhaps this is now a permanent state .
20 Responding to the offer at a joint press conference with Major on July 17 , Gorbachev said that " the ice has started moving " and , in an oblique reference to plans for more regular meetings between Soviet and G-7 officials , claimed that " this is now a seven plus one " .
21 This is now a closed-loop system .
22 This is now a missing link in the electrification : completing it would enable Birmingham-Scotland Intercity trains to be electric-hauled throughout and the Manchester Airport — Preston Service would also be electric .
23 This is now a very serious situation
24 This is this is now a now a terribly important issue .
25 In other words , the repatriations of the Yugoslavs should continue ; the methods being used to carry them out were found to be " satisfactory " as an alternative to the " use of force " , and this was now a matter of full agreement between Eighth Army and AFHQ .
26 The latter was now a veritable ghost town with its derelict buildings holding up false-front facades in the fashion of Hollywood sets .
27 That would have reduced exposure ; but it is so small a step from cutting the level to removing it altogether that perhaps that is now a wiser move given the shift in public opinion .
28 erm that 's now a private house is n't it ?
29 With a new rabbit and a short-haired piebald guinea pig in a box , Victoria arrived at a once-grand Queen Anne house in Wiltshire that was now a school devoted to raising the daughters of the gentry .
30 Later , back up the shore beside their picnic blanket , beside Karen 's sun dress that was now a mass of creeping black , the girls lay on their stomachs and talked again of Parr , desultorily .
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