Example sentences of "[det] the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Was that the consultants ' own decision or were they prevented from consulting the NRA by the Cardiff Bay development corporation which originally proposed the Bill in close co-operation with the Welsh Office ?
2 But he made it clear when he arrived in Perth the next day that he disagreed with Marsh 's sacking , an interesting observation given that the players ' code of behaviour specifically states that they are not permitted to comment on selection decisions .
3 The director 's emoluments must also be included in the bandings in the note to the accounts unless all the directors ' aggregate emoluments do not exceed £60,000 ( Sch 6 para 1 and para 4 , CA 85 ) .
4 And now he 's back in one of the first ‘ recession vignette ’ commercials , selling all the directors ' company cars to maintain the work force 's wages .
5 ( c ) Where the regulations confer a discretion on directors with regard to the acceptance of transfers , this discretion , like all the directors ' powers , is a fiduciary one to be exercised bona fide in what they consider — not what the court considers — to be in the interest of the company , and not for any collateral purpose .
6 ( 1 ) The names of all the directors of a recognised body shall be stated either on the body 's stationery or in a list of the names of all the directors maintained at the body 's registered office provided that in the latter case the body 's stationery must state that such a list of all the directors ' names is open to inspection at the body 's registered office and must state the address of that office .
7 But despite all the authorities ' attempts to pretend that all goes well , the birthday celebrations are moving forward in the shadow of a public mood of national crisis , dramatised by the tens of thousands of East Germans struggling to flee to the West in recent weeks .
8 The second was the Bishop of Oxford , Tommy Strong ; the bishop with the most sensitive taste and rare learning and musical apprehension of all the bishops ' bench .
9 So were the boys ' band uniforms and all the girls ' clothing .
10 Their teacher , Sue Hewgill , of the Dance Studio , at Polam Hall School , said she was delighted with all the girls ' results .
11 Their teacher , Sue Hewgill , of the Dance-in Studio at Polam Hall School , said she is delighted with all the girls ' results .
12 It 's got on all the girls ' sch sch school stuff .
13 Nervous though we were , it did turn out to be reasonably straightforward — but this was after all the beginners ' course and the ingredients had been prepared ; even the chives had been chopped .
14 The system posed some obstacles to the monarch 's freedom of appointment , but it reflected above all the nobles ' concern to benefit from rather than to limit the power of the State .
15 A very rich and therefore powerful man , as head keeper of Newgate , Fitzosbert had the pick of all the prisoners ' possessions as well as the sale of concessions , be it beds , sheets , coals , drink , food , even a wench .
16 To compensate them for their lack of space , Chavez had paid for all the prisoners ' food and provided new plumbing and electricity .
17 All the Brownies ' mums are gon na be wasting away
18 Although there were profits and national prestige to be made out of all the Wardens ' privileges and untold opportunities for corruption , it was often difficult to find anyone to shoulder this particular responsibility .
19 Full knowledge of all the communities ' characteristics
20 Oxfam wo n't solve all the communities ' problems .
21 The truth is that , as the Co-operative Manufacturing Society was constituted , it was not — for all the Pioneers ' intentions to the contrary — a genuine co-operative .
22 Robson 's shown he can do it & both he and Hoddle will have ALL the players ' respect .
23 out , since all the investors ' margin was used up .
24 About as brief as all the models ' clothing .
25 Right now I should be putting the frighteners on the lot of them — by flinging Rainbow back behind the wheel , and sending the taxi southwards down the northbound carriageway at a speed so fast that all the aunties ' lives flash in a whizzing 360-degree pan before their eyes , or by rendering the whole equipage airborne while the driver uses the remnants of her chopped-chicken-liver-on-rye to strafe the unsuspecting Anglicans of Wherwell , Winchester and Nether Wallop .
26 In Caparo the House of Lords reviewed the statutory provisions relating to the position of auditors and concluded that although they undoubtedly created a relationship between auditors and shareholders , that relationship did not extend to the protection of all the shareholders ' possible interests .
27 The scheme , drawn up after pilot projects by a steering group under Duncan Graham , chairman of the National Curriculum Council , had the support of all the teachers ' and heads ' unions as well as the local authority employers .
28 He 'd ransacked all the chemists ' shops .
29 The Bank seemed to be implying that it was all the auditors ' fault .
30 All the lexicographers ' virtual machines will be given the same lexicographer priority , but those editing smaller entries are likely to be favoured over those editing large ones .
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