Example sentences of "[vb pp] into [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If allowed to remain this waste matter will eventually get trapped into pockets by fibres deep in your skin leading to the familiar spongy , dimpled skin texture known as cellulite .
2 The religious police ( mutawa ) were recently pricked into action by the horrifying sight of Saudi women demonstrating for the right to drive .
3 Frighteningly , the whole fabric of her being was distorted into shades of midnight and lightnings of pain sheathed every nerve in her body .
4 Paul took a threatening step forward , then paused , his big hands clenched into fists of rage .
5 If the world 's 1984 stockpile of nuclear weapons were compressed into bombs of the size dropped on Hiroshima , it would take 4,600 years to go through them all if they were let off at the rate of one a day .
6 The report also says that Intel is to release a revision of its Indeo video compression technology , which is claimed to increase compression ratios fivefold over the current version ( enabling one minute of video to be compressed into 1Mb of data ) .
7 Certainly , that expansion could never have occurred in a society organised into villages of co-operation ; nor would industries run by trade unions as workers ’ co-operatives and organised nationally have provided a basis for it , for the accumulation of capital with which to finance the crucial , secondary stage of the Industrial Revolution : that is , the establishment of a capital goods sector of the economy .
8 And it is just as horrifying an idea to contemplate being walled into such a Paradise Garden as being condemned to spend eternity playing games with balloons which never burst , receiving presents from Santa without wondering how they were paid for , being organised into teams with leaders chosen arbitrarily from among us , or eating a permanent celestial buffet of ice cream and salmon sandwiches .
9 Trolls must be organised into units of the same type , but the number of Trolls in a unit can be less than the normal minimum of five models .
10 They formed , in theory , a private army of his own , for though Louis XIV paid them they were organised into regiments under Irish officers , but William preferred to have them confronting him openly on the far side of the Channel rather than lurking , disaffected , in his rear on the other side of the Irish Sea .
11 Although capped by gritstone and having a fringe of cliffs that have been largely shattered into wastes of boulders and scree , there is an extensive intrusion of limestone at mid-height on both flanks .
12 It 's taken gravity-defying tightrope walking by boxing authorities to keep the title unified , even if it is once again threatening to be shattered into pieces by Bowe 's refusal to honour a deal to immediately defend against Lewis .
13 The anarchic and the political , the anger and the boredom , are all active in Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic , and most especially when the survival strategies of subordination — subterfuge , lying , evasion — are aesthetically transvalued into weapons of attack , but ever working obliquely through irony , ambiguity , mimicry , and impersonation .
14 Equal numbers of TC-fresh LC and TC-cultured LC ( 5x10 4 per well ) were added into wells at the initiation of the binding assay .
15 Photo montages include a lesbian woman added into pictures of film stars Audrey Hepburn and Julie Andrews , a series of shots about a Gay woman 's experience of developing multiple sclerosis , and a picture of two embracing lesbians superimposed onto magazine covers and adverts .
16 The boreholes were drilled into windows of Mesozoic rock and provide evidence of the sub-Tertiary geology of the North Rockall Trough which is now being explored by a number of oil companies .
17 The three of them dissolved into laughter at the idea of it , and Ianthe went to make some more coffee .
18 A couple of years earlier Wayne had come into conflict with director John Huston when they made The Barbarian and the Geisha in 1957 .
19 Despite 19 years of close co-operation with Kohl , Teltschik was known to have come into conflict with Genscher at the Foreign Ministry .
20 Here , delusions of persecution become actualized if , as not unusually happens , the interests of the citizen come into conflict with those of a state which has monopolized all the means of coercive power .
21 It 's the second time in a quarter of a century that the locals have come into conflict with planning officials .
22 I had already come into conflict over race and patriotism .
23 The ‘ new classicals ’ macro theory is historically fairly recent , having come into vogue in the late 1970s and 1980s .
24 In all of this there existed an air of the cottage industry , with an informality that , consciously or not , took its measure from the example of its chairman , who continued to live and work — now with the added impedimenta of potties and baby-gates — on a houseboat on the Regents Canal ; who drove a second-hand Volvo ; and who had not long come into possession of a washing-machine .
25 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
26 In animals , the formation of sheets of cells which fold in various ways , and which in consequence come into contact with each other at specific points , is a common feature of development , and provides a partial answer to Weismann 's question .
27 Undoubtedly , the bubbling oxygen would have come into contact with palladium .
28 One of them was Guardsman Johnny Cooper who had managed to join the Scots Guards while still under age and who was very impressed by his commanding officer : ‘ he was different from the officers I had come into contact with up to that time .
29 In such cases the unlucky individual has taken the precaution of wearing a contraceptive sheath , but a sore on the vulva , say , of his sexual partner has come into contact with part of the penis not covered by the condom .
30 Gedge has seen at first-hand the reactions of people who have come into contact with the group .
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