Example sentences of "[vb pp] up [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Russell ( 1986 ) prefers a model in which mineralising fluids were generated by Carboniferous seawater penetrating , and reacting with , the underlying Caledonian basement to increasing depths ( up to 10 km ) under a normal geothermal gradient during basin extension before being discharged up listric faults .
2 Erm , Simon , there 's one that 's come up right field in the fact that we mention , I think you might have got it 'cos you 're responsible for the Q P five , which talks about interim reports , services .
3 OH , what a stir was caused by Ghostwatch , the BBC Halloween programme which appeared to have conjured up evil spirits in a haunted house .
4 This is the man who has conjured up fresh doubts about the validity of the so-called Dianagate tapes .
5 This is the man who has conjured up fresh doubts about the validity of the so-called Dianagate tapes .
6 By the time the threatened rain arrived around 4pm , 70 overs had been bowled , 50 of them by spinners , there had been two 100-run partnerships and Boon and Whitaker had picked up stylish half-centuries .
7 Picked up expensive habits , too .
8 Short hypotheses looked more promising than long ones simply because more of their score was an estimate ; they had not picked up actual shortfall .
9 As expected ( UX No 422 ) , the Open Software Foundation has picked up new widget technology from Lotus Development Corp , IBM Corp and Digital Equipment Corp to enhance its Motif graphical user interface .
10 His own sources among the Altun had picked up vague hints of another conception upon which Sidacai had drawn or to which he had been led .
11 The truth is that some members of the Liverpool board had misgivings about the way Swansea were run and wondered if Toshack might have picked up bad habits .
12 After a period of use the heads may well have picked up sufficient debris from the disk surface to prevent a reliable reading of the magnetic information on the disk .
13 ‘ The visit , in view of the time allocated , was necessarily superficial and only likely to have picked up gross discrepancies , ’ it said .
14 McQuaid had either struck true by pure chance or had picked up reliable gossip at the Mohill Fair .
15 Which is comparable complexity and er they have picked up considerable experience from that but , you know , I do n't wish here in this committee to in any way challenge the er capabilities or the competence of erm , of Deutsch Aerospace to undertake
16 ‘ We have failed to progress in Europe in recent years , but we have picked up valuable lessons from those experiences and I feel we are now ready for the challenge . ’
17 The Gnomes had gone to considerable trouble ; Culdub and Bith had sat up long hours and consulted books and chronicles and there had been much burning of late candles and worried scurryings to and fro between the Gnomes ' houses in the little mountain village .
18 Fashions in dress and diet , ceremonies and customs , art and architecture , engineering and technology , all evolve in historical time in a way that looks like highly speeded up genetic evolution , but has really nothing to do with genetic evolution .
19 The Liberal Democrats have built up strong support and expect to win .
20 Kaiser William II had built up strong forces in Germany and enlarged its naval power to counter the power of the British navy , and it was Germany 's declaration of war on Russia which led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany and the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy .
21 The college has built up strong links with local industry and this will be reflected on the board .
22 The band were still distressed at the demise because their working relationship had been excellent and they had built up good friendships with the staff , and did not want to seen them lose their jobs .
23 Over the years we 've enjoyed annual family holidays without feeling the pinch and we 've built up good relationships with our neighbours and the surrounding community .
24 A huge volume of Ferranti shares has changed hands since they returned to trading just over a week ago and a number of other potential bidders are believed to have built up small stakes .
25 On top of that , other money from the fund was left untouched and has built up substantial interest .
26 Unit has already built up valuable experience in engineering by setting up its own production line for the pallets business with in-house expertise .
27 Until they were reined back by the banking authorities at the end of last year , they had built up huge liabilities in dollars in order to play the interest-rate differentials that foreigners have so enjoyed .
28 ‘ The Institute has built up considerable expertise in the quality control and quality assurance areas both prior to , and since , accreditation by CNAA in September 1989 .
29 Elections were to be contested up to the level of Dáil Éireann when the movement had built up sufficient support .
30 Though my Mother had enough barbiturates in her system to kill ten people , her addiction had built up sufficient tolerance to suggest the possibility of an accidental overdose .
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