Example sentences of "[vb pp] so [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The management of investment needs to be optimised so as to deliver a fully commercial return .
2 After all , how else can alignments of physical objects be calculated so as to lie along propitious meridians , save by reference to more fixed and less mutable properties of the earth ?
3 " A money award can be calculated so as to make good a financial loss " : per Lord Morris in West v Shephard [ 1964 ] AC at p345 .
4 Book debts arising from these credit sales were to be assigned in blocks , containing substantial numbers of such debts to the plaintiffs in return for a lump sum , calculated so as to provide a discounting charge to the plaintiffs .
5 Congress alone has the power to decide whether the present laws can or can not be amended so as to carry out more effectively the objects of law .
6 In February 1992 , however , Lautro 's Rules were amended so as to give other persons served with an intervention notice the right to appeal against it : see new rules 7.28 and 7.3(12) .
7 Rule 7(6) of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 has been amended so as to allow solicitors to go into partnership with registered foreign lawyers .
8 The paragraph should , in my judgment , be amended so as to make clear that what is being sought is an order for steps to be taken restoring all the parties to the respective transactions to their former position .
9 With effect from the general election of 1965 West German electoral law was amended so as to impose stricter limits on variations in constituency magnitudes .
10 Yet he was to say that the entire enterprise of The Cantos was undertaken so as to uncover the reasons why war happens , so as to preclude its happening again .
11 Gilding , normally done by taking powered gold mixed with mercury to form an amalgam , was painted onto the surface and then heated so as to drive off the mercury .
12 For liquids a hypodermic syringe is used to inject the liquid through a rubber cap into a gas syringe heated so as to vaporise the liquid .
13 We are , therefore , anxious that he should not be thrown away in some other role and I hope that any plan he has made will be carefully examined so as to ensure that as far as possible he does not do something foolhardy .
14 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted so as to retain Unionist minority control .
15 Where there is only one in-situ anchor , or else you are making your own anchor points , the first person down should have back-up protection , clipped independently into the abseil ropes , and adjusted so as to come into immediate effect if the main anchor fails , but without directly supporting it .
16 The core is aligned with one coil picking up the north-south field and inclined at roughly 67° to the horizontal and adjusted so as to produce the largest positive output from the amplifier .
17 The mode of operation can be adjusted so as to produce a high content of aromatic ( benzene-like ) molecules which give the product its characteristically high octane number .
18 Consent is represented as the critical feature of the law which ensures the patient 's right to self-determination , whereas , in fact , it is referred to and manipulated so as to produce the opposite result .
19 Resistance does not operate outside power , nor is it necessarily produced oppositionally : it is imbricated within it , the irregular term that consistently disturbs it , rebounds upon it , and which on occasions can be manipulated so as to rupture it altogether :
20 That law might have developed so as to recognise a condictio indebiti — an action for the recovery of money on the ground that it was not due .
21 Staff become an asset in which to invest , to be developed so as to help the organisation achieve its aims and objectives .
22 Very simply , the theory behind this is that any product has some characteristic which can be developed so as to make it unique in its class .
23 A trade union was now to become , in the Webbs ' first definition ‘ a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment ’ , a definition later altered so as to refer to ‘ working lives ’ rather than ‘ employment ’ .
24 which established that in the absence of a prohibition in the memorandum , the articles could be altered so as to authorise such an issue .
25 The rules of the Young Communist League were altered so as to widen its membership " not only to those who support its stated policy and aims , but also to those who , while not being actively hostile to its policy and aims , wish to study Socialism " .
26 If , however , the CLRC 's proposal were altered so as to make mercy killing into a new qualified defence to murder , with the normal maximum sentence of life imprisonment , the central plank of the opposition to an explicit recognition of this mitigation in English law would disappear .
27 Purchase behaviour will , again , be altered so as to come into line with the customary behaviour of the reference group .
28 Further regular meetings are intended so as to maintain the vital liaison between the carpet industry , Parliament and government , and to enable carpet manufacturers to voice their concern .
29 Since the findings of the surveys described in Chapter 6 , the message promoting the lobon-gur solution had been revised so as to include the four different recognised types of diarrhoea and the use of refined sugar as a substitute for gur when the latter was unavailable .
30 Competency testing in high school , civil-service examinations , job-placement examinations , college-entrance examinations , and diagnostic testing in school have , as a result , been restrained , banned , or revised so as to reduce test accuracy .
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