Example sentences of "[vb pp] as [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The shares carry the right to five weeks a year of free accommodation at the resort , which is being developed as a time share enterprise .
2 We find social relationships simplified , while myth and ritual are elaborated … if liminality is regarded as a time and place of withdrawal from normal modes of social action , it can be seen as potentially a period of scrutinization of the central values and axioms of the culture in which it occurs .
3 Broadly the period 1951–87 can be divided into four parts : 1951–64 , a period of comparatively little social policy innovation which may be regarded as a time of consolidation or stagnation , according to one 's political viewpoint ; 1964–74 , a period of fairly intense policy change stimulated by both political parties , in which considerable difficulties were experienced in translating aspirations into practice ; 1974–78 , a period in which rapid inflation and government by the Labour party without a parliamentary majority administered a severe shock to the political and social system , and to all who believed that there was still a need for developments in social policy ; and 1979–87 , when much more explicitly anti-welfare state Conservative administrations reinforced that shock by deliberately treating inflation as more deserving of its attention than unemployment , attacking public services which were seen as inhibiting economic recovery and seeking ways to ‘ privatize ’ public services .
4 This means that the model of continuous and homogeneous time which Lévi-Strauss had also argued against can not here be regarded as the time of history .
5 Traditionally the period of the Hundred Years War has been regarded as the time when the crown of France made great steps forward towards the achievement of a policy of centralisation begun under the Capetians some two centuries earlier .
6 This period could be regarded as the time when our service began to emerge from a kind of amateur status to that of a more professional one .
7 From the present viewpoint this can be regarded as the time component of the metric equation for space–time round a spherically symmetric mass .
8 Conversely youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health .
9 This method therefore had to be cancelled as the time the carrier could remain at Greenock was severely limited .
10 Adolescence is accepted as a time to explore and experiment and find some sense of identity , and yet when this includes sexuality it is condemned and denied .
11 The nomination of a specific cargo is made as the time for delivery approaches and the right to obtain delivery of this cargo may have to be transferred to buyers in different parts of the globe .
12 By contrast , the present day is seen as a time when people 's sense of duty and responsibility is much weaker , so that they are less prepared to acknowledge obligation or to take responsibility for kin .
13 A great deal of importance is attached to planning and administration as it is seen as a time for problem-solving as opposed to task allocation .
14 The New Year holiday lasts for three days and is seen as a time of fresh starts , new resolutions and auspicious omens .
15 He said the Thatcher years would be seen as the time ‘ in which existing pensioners missed out on the prosperity afforded to the great majority in this country .
16 Anything less involves wasted potential and the limiting factors are seen as the time and energy of the carers .
17 Instead , they emphasized that the detailed cement sequences revealed by CL could be used as a time framework upon which to locate other diagenetic events , providing a complete ‘ diagenetic stratigraphy ’ .
18 Parenthood is generally recognised as a time of crisis and adjustment .
19 If the special needs that arise from these states of dependency are met fully and promptly then the problems will be kept to a minimum and on balance old age will be experienced as a time of contentment .
20 In contemporary Britain it seems almost impossible to go a single day without hearing , from some quarter or another , a senior policeman hectoring us on the deteriorated condition of public morals , while assuming the right to deliver homespun history lessons in which the past is lovingly remembered as a time of harmony .
21 Adolescence may be viewed as the time at which , and only at which , the threads of childhood experience are drawn together and woven into the fabric of personality .
22 This indicates that the causal agent of the systemic response has exited the wound site within 5 minutes and contrasts with studies on older plants in which systemic pin levels increased as the time from wounding to excision increased until 120 minutes after wounding .
23 The rate at which it does this is measured as a " time constant " — defined as the time it takes for the output to return 63 per cent of the way to baseline , after a shift in input voltage level .
24 Orocaecal transit time was defined as the time between meal intake and initial rise in hydrogen concentration of at least 10 ppm above fasting levels .
25 To measure acid reflux , several were used : ( 1 ) total reflux time ( min ) , defined as the time with an intraoesophageal pH <4.0 ; ( 2 ) total reflux time ( % ) , defined as the total time with an intraoesophageal pH <4.0 expressed as a percentage of the analysed period ; ( 3 ) reflux episodes >6 s , defined as the number of episodes with an intraoesophageal pH <4.0 lasting longer than 6 s ; ( 4 ) reflux episodes >5 min , defined as the number episodes with an intraoesophageal pH <4.0 lasting longer than 5 min ; ( 5 ) mean reflux duration ( min ) , defined as the mean duration of all reflux episodes ; ( 6 ) maximal reflux duration ( min ) , defined as the longest single reflux episode .
26 To measure oesophageal body motility , variables measured were : ( 1 ) amplitude of contraction ( mm Hg ) , defined as the difference between the baseline pressure and the maximal pressure during the pressure event ; ( 2 ) duration of contraction ( s ) , defined as the time elapsed between the start and the end of the pressure event ; ( 3 ) area under the pressure curve ( mm Hg×s ) , calculated from the sum of all pressure values between the start and the end of the pressure event , multiplied by the sampling interval ; ( 4 ) propagation velocity ( cm/s ) , defined as the speed of a contraction and calculated from the delay time and the distance between the sensors ; ( 5 ) contractility ( mm Hg/s ) , defined as the maximal increment between consecutive pressure values divided by the sampling interval ; ( 6 ) total contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as pressure curves that are not rejected as artifacts ; ( 7 ) propagated contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as contractions that are detected by a proximal pressure transducer and followed by a contraction at the distal sensor .
27 And just to remind you the open the open state probability can be defined as the time that the channel spends in its in the open state divided by the total time of the recording .
28 What had begun as a time saving essential has now become my hobby .
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