Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both of the engines hired previously to the Trust by the DVR Plc are now stopped for boiler work .
2 Erm , when an application is received for building approval by a District Council , they consult the Fire Authority but there 's no specific obligation on us to give detailed advice .
3 Mr Waddington added : ‘ A formal offer of £5m has been received for Acklam Park .
4 Antibiotics are also prescribed for acne treatment and need to be given for several months at a time to be effective .
5 A total of 172,000 people registered for poll tax payment in Lambeth , where 68,000 summonses and 50,000 liability orders have been issued .
6 The UK unemployment figures do exclude adult students ( registered for vacation employment ) , the temporarily stopped and those seeking part-time work .
7 Two trips — to the site of the new Severn Bridge and to the Western Mail offices in Cardiff — have been arranged for South West region members .
8 They also inevitably include such universally popular compositions as Dowland 's ‘ Lachrimae Pavin' which seems to have originated as a lute solo , been turned into a song ( ‘ FIow , my tears ’ ) , arranged for viol consort with six sequels in the 1605 book , and arranged for virginals by Byrd , Morley , and Farnaby .
9 Activists quickly arranged for publicity material to be sent out so that news of the Changsha situation reached other major cities as well as the outside world .
10 After preparing for our morning 's activities we got on the coach and were taken to the suitable sites arranged for rock climbing and cycling .
11 Opus , meanwhile , which focusing on its SparcCard add-in business , has arranged for Apex Computer , the large Sun maintenance vendor , to do customer support for its Personal Mainframe customers .
12 The other reason most often given for government ownership is that government needs a voice of its own and can not rely on the privately owned press .
13 Steward cites the medical reasons given for rescue team callouts by friends of youngsters who have collapsed in the hills .
14 The cost for these extra hours will be £500 per two weeks in addition to the course fees given for Executive Course I or Executive Course II .
15 The figures given for crop work were perhaps higher than those actually worked .
16 The go-ahead is expected to be given for camera surveillance equipment to be installed at the exits of the Cathedral multi-storey car park in Durham city centre in a bid to cut car crime .
17 What is less agreed upon is whether the reward should be given for routine adequacy or for extra special effort .
18 At a United Nations sponsored meeting in Amsterdam in 1989 the international community agreed that industrialised countries should allocate 4% of overall foreign aid to population programmes , but in 1991 the average amount given for population assistance was only slightly more than 1% .
19 Go-ahead is given for towage firm takeover
20 It has not yet been well defined , whether a similar approach is justified for bile duct injury after laparoscopic cholecystectomy .
21 Elizabeth , throughout her reign , relied for peacetime revenue upon parliamentary grants .
22 TECHNOLOGY originally developed for satellite warfare will soon be used by Ford to combat theft and provide emergency services for motorists .
23 Part of Dr Brian Eyre , AEA Chief Executive 's visit to Culham last month incorporated a look at current work in Fusion , in particular the START experiment , and at new areas being developed for plasma processing .
24 Secondly , questionnaires were developed for self completion by other clinicians and non-medical staff in the practice .
25 These consortium-developed courses , and courses developed by individual centres , can be developed for candidate enrolment in either September 1990 , 1991 or 1992 .
26 High Anglican architects such as William Butterfield ( 1814–1900 ) and George Edmund Street ( 1824–81 ) took up these ideas and produced a series of parish schools which combine simple planning and construction with details they had developed for church architecture .
27 Light exposure and the stability of cosmetic products to light may be assessed by methods developed for colour fastness of textiles of which the following is an example : British Standard 1006 : 1978 .
28 Of the nine terminals that will be opened by the summer of next year , the majority are already owned by British Rail and will be developed for channel tunnel freight services .
29 Although the ordering algorithms were developed for hybridisation mapping projects , the software can be used with other types of data which can be interpreted as hybridisation-like events .
30 Some of the methods developed for policy optimization have been installed by PROPE on the computers of HM Treasury to be used with research work on the Treasury model .
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