Example sentences of "[vb pp] to a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For a child too young to make an informed request the information may be disclosed to a parent on his behalf .
2 He defined trade secrets ( at p425 a-j ) as : ( a ) information used in the trade or business ; ( b ) of which the owner limits the dissemination or at least does not encourage or permit widespread publication ; ( c ) and which if disclosed to a competitor would be liable to cause real or significant harm to the owner of the secret .
3 It is usual to buy electronic organs ‘ off the shelf ’ , but larger instruments are designed to a customer 's specification and to suit particular buildings .
4 After proctors of the lower clergy had objected in 1269 to being committed to a grant simply by the assent of the bishops , a council of prelates in the next year agreed on their own behalf to a subsidy of one twentieth for the king , but only extended it to the rest of the clergy after approval by diocesan synods .
5 Michael Caine stars as cat burglar Henry Clarke , a master jewel thief who has himself committed to a sanatorium for alcoholics to gain the confidence of a multi-millionaire .
6 ‘ Listen , ’ said Arthur , ‘ I 'm committed to a standard of absolute honesty .
7 Now that he was committed to a course of action he felt exhilarated .
8 Anyone who wants to gain the maximum benefit from Alexander lessons should be committed to a course of individual sessions with a qualified teacher .
9 She was committed to a course of action and was prepared to see it through .
10 And there are many who are deeply committed to a faith which is alive and obvious to everyone with whom they come into contact .
11 Similarly , bankers become committed to a customer if they can not withdraw facilities without causing that customer financial distress .
12 But even within it , we can see plenty of seeds of possible change : older women intensely committed to a work calling , older men who become housekeepers or carers .
13 It is a curious comment on Thatcherism , however , that the administration most committed to a reduction in the role of the state , and in the need for an independent private sector , has spent more on specific urban regeneration and employment schemes and incentives to private investment in urban areas than any other in recent history .
14 In this latter case a major controversy arose in the early 1980s between a Conservative government committed to a reduction in public expenditure and several local authorities controlled by the Labour Party .
15 In any case a government committed to a reduction in taxes on incomes would not welcome the substitution of LIT for domestic rates ( DOE/Welsh Office 1983a : 13 and 1986:23 ) .
16 I am delighted that the Association of British Insurers , an organisation committed to a reduction in car crime , has recently issued a video aimed at young males , particularly in the 12-to-16 age group .
17 Aubrey , she said , was committed to a lunch party with Primrose and her parents , but she would love the drive into the country and would happily accompany Harry since she had nothing better to do .
18 Better to have your own people committed to a contract rather than sacrifice their jobs arid an element of profit to an outside sub-contractor .
19 The hon. Member for Clackmannan ( Mr. O'Neill ) , when presenting Labour 's nuclear policy in the House on 22 November , said : ’ Throughout the 1980s the Labour party was committed to a defence policy which , with regard to nuclear weapons , required the Labour Government to renounce ownership of Polaris and to abandon the Trident programme . ’
20 Further on , the reality is that the UPF can not be more committed to a franc fort policy than the socialists ; and if the test comes there is a clear risk that the new government will not speak with one voice .
21 I think the general feeling of the panel is that if you are committed to a route north of Knaresborough , then we think it 's sufficiently a enough a strategic matter for us to continue the discussion on on it .
22 Three of the schools had clearly used the project to identify , and provide a richer resource base for , curriculum areas already committed to a degree of RBL and/or subject departments with a history of library involvement and use .
23 They favoured ZOPFAN as the kind of indigenous initiative they had hoped to stimulate under the umbrella notion of collective security , but in the absence of clear agreement in ASEAN over neutralisation they were loath to become committed to a proposal which could be turned against themselves .
24 Having committed to a budget , never will he let the finance people tell him how to get there .
25 Both of the funding councils are committed to a system of competitive bidding for students , but each council will have its own separate arrangements .
26 England are committed to a three-game summer tour in America , where Taylor wants to fine-tune his squad for the 1994 World Cup finals .
27 The government and the TUC were now committed to a concordat to bring inflation down to 5 per cent over three years , while new TUC guidelines were issued over picketing and the operation of the closed shop .
28 That if no such Petition as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( a ) above is presented , or if all such Petitions are withdrawn before the meeting of the Select Committee , the order for the committal of the Bill to a Select Committee shall be discharged and the Bill shall be committed to a Standing Committee .
29 The Labour party , when O'Brien was a TD , was committed to a change , but Dick Spring saw that as an obstacle to the Labour-Fianna Fail coalition he wanted .
30 After second reading , clause 52 of the Bill was committed to a committee of the whole House and clause 54 to Standing Committee E. On 17 May 1976 , the House considered clause 52 and strong representations were made about the impact of clause 52 on airline and railway employees .
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