Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Can only assume this was designed a long time ago , say roughly 1983 ; surely even Peter Snow must now realise that a Labour landslide is rather more likely than a Tory one .
2 Another super-domestique of great experience is Sean Yates from Sussex , who has won a long time trial stage in the tour .
3 ‘ On the way home , we were approached a second time , by an Me 109 .
4 What is more , much of government expenditure is committed a long time in advance and can not easily be cut .
5 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
6 If a person who was occupied a considerable time in a search gave an additional fee to the parish clerk , saying , ‘ I wish to make you some compensation for your time , ’ that would be a voluntary payment .
7 Over 900 of them said : ‘ It should have come a long time ago — very few people have done more for charity , public service and their Party than you have ’ .
8 The parents of the 33 children who had not recovered were interviewed a second time to answer the question whether the constipation/soiling problems had persisted or recurred , because we were not able to determine this from the initial questionnaire .
9 If that freelance photojournalist is wounded , but soon returns to the operational area to continue covering the story , only to be wounded a second time , then we are looking at a fairly remarkable man with a tale worth telling .
10 The nights grew colder , but in the early morning the rising sun was caught a thousand times in the droplets of moisture that formed in the webs that spiders wove across the bars of Creggan 's cage .
11 You 'll soon get the hang of it — once you 've been caught a few times you 'll suss out the attack patterns — but until you do , frustration is high .
12 This was resolved a short time later when an unstable product of a short-term incubation of arachidonic acid with cyclo-oxygenase prepared from the vesicular gland of sheep was found to induce platelet aggregation ( Willis & Kuhn , 1973 ) .
13 He started up twenty years ago , he could not have picked a better time .
14 This 24 hours is only two-thirds of the 36 hours available ; it should be considered a minimum time to allocate to private study .
15 Du n no people have said like that will last a really short time or a really long time , but what 's considered a short time I know what a long time is , a long time is like sort of four months three sort of four months onwards in n it for like people our age , what would a short time be they ?
16 I was then permitted a short time during the lunch interval to study this new material before being cross-examined on it .
17 However , once printed text has been photocopied a few times , or faxed , or degraded in some other way , the characters can become similarly indistinct .
18 We were surprised at the continuing estimates of fixed costs , as we would have expected a minimal time investment after the first year of familiarisation , but given that training was identified as the major cost , it may be that this forms the bulk of the continuing cost .
19 A mechanism for periodic review after what is deemed an appropriate time must , then , be built into any plan that is devised .
20 Similarly , a serious case brought before the magistrate had to be presented a second time before the justice of the peace .
21 We may have met a long time ago at Rotherfield when I was on a weekend outing from school , but I would n't expect you to remember — it was at least 10 years ago and I ca n't imagine I was a memorable schoolgirl !
22 Bearing in mind the provocation , and the fact that the offender had to face the prospect of being sentenced a second time , the sentence was far too lenient , and a proper sentence would have been two years ' immediate imprisonment : that sentence would be substituted .
23 The sentence imposed by the Court of Appeal presumably incorporates a discount to reflect the fact that the offender had to face the prospect of being sentenced a second time , but there is no indication of the extent of the discount : the case is therefore of limited value as an indication of what the proper sentence would have been at first instance .
24 For instance , a workman may be injured by a chip of metal flying off a hammer which had been negligently manufactured a long time before .
25 It was decided a long time ago and the waiting is over . ’
26 Act returned , having done a good time , but not quite good enough , and he knew it .
27 ‘ I was looking at him like I had done a million times and suddenly I saw his shoulder twitch slightly , ’ she said .
28 Some conversions that were done a long time ago would not pass today 's stringent building regulations .
29 ‘ It 's something that should have been done a long time ago .
30 Which should have been done a long time ago , and I 've been given yet another extension .
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