Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 However , the study was not designed in a way that would allow the conclusion that physicians were as accurate as psychiatrists in their diagnoses and recommendations .
2 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
3 Because their demands were nil , the Masai could be approached in a way which came close to the Colonial Service 's proclaimed ideal of disinterested benevolence .
4 A Member who has not yet made his maiden speech should not even be mentioned , far less attacked in the way that the hon. Gentleman is cynically going about it .
5 Moreover , these correlations only achieved overall significance when the junctions were grouped in a way which may make sense , but was clearly post hoc .
6 The late Marguerite Yourcenar was also an admirer of Proust and she relates the history of her mother 's family in Dear Departed in a way which recalls Proust 's fidelity to our actual thinking about the past and to the sheer coincidences by which past and present can seem to illuminate one another .
7 Once documented the data can be rearranged in a way that reveals how you can reorganize matters to give you more time .
8 If the number of managerial jobs does not continue expanding , more and more men may become trapped in the way that female clerks already are .
9 These new powers , however , were buttressed by substantial grants of land , which led one chronicler to remark that the resources of the crown had been dissipated and a modern historian to comment rather sourly that ‘ hereditary offices and jurisdictions were scattered in a way hardly compatible either with the interests of the crown , or with sound finance ’ .
10 When humans cut down the forest , it might be replaced by a permanent grassland because the soil itself had been modified in a way that prevented the trees from reseeding themselves .
11 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
12 Such metalwork and fabric may have been decorated in a way which conveyed meaning to the wearer and the viewer , but all of the artefacts whose technology we have considered had , first and foremost a function to their owners .
13 This in turn makes the parents feel unhappy about being a burden , and not being loved and respected in the way they had expected .
14 It is artificially constrained in a way that ensures that the burden is not fairly distributed and those at the top end of the property range , and very likely to be at the top end of the income range , are being given shelter which is not justified .
15 Accordingly , one is constrained in the way which one can refer to the preceding paragraph in the printed document — because one does not know what the preceding paragraph will be .
16 Given that agreement is reached and a contract is established , either formally or informally , the matter of supply is resolved in a way that will ensure continuity of suitable materials with the minimum of problems .
17 At length , the dilemma was resolved in the way everybody recognised as inevitable : the marriage contract was torn up .
18 Of course now he did n't have to walk quite so far to do his searching ; but a similar kind of dedication was still required of him , for The Bar contained in a way the streets of the whole city , there were men there from all the different parts of it .
19 Third , from a sociological point of view , grief can not be contained in the way it once was .
20 She was the one who was standing still , frozen in every way into herself .
21 In consequence , there has been the pretence that a single perspective grounded in the nineteenth century can capture the essentials of things today , and so constitutional theory has itself been frozen in a way that has confined the parameters of constitutional debate .
22 It was started as a response to the existing state education system in place under apartheid , in which ‘ black children were educated in a way geared to keeping them as a docile , compliant labour force ’ , according to a colleague of the School .
23 In 1944 , as we have seen , it was presumed that the best minds must be educated in the way that was traditional , by means of the grammar school curriculum , based originally on the classics and mathematics , gradually expanded , before the war , to include modern languages and experimental sciences .
24 You will remember that he thought that contextual features might be considered in the way that general phonetic features are considered : sometimes , but not always relevant , and specifiable to variable degrees of delicacy for different purposes ( 2.2 .
25 ‘ I wondered what exactly was going on when I found I could n't get into my own garage because of a great red car parked in the way . ’
26 The labelling of cans of tuna as " dolphin-friendly " should be discontinued , since no importer can be sure that the tuna has been caught in a way which has does not threaten dolphins , according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society ( WDCS ) .
27 For these ideas to be pursued in a way which will revolutionize social psychology , it is apparent that the contrast between social representations and common sense must be developed .
28 What is important is that we all live in a society organised in a way which routinely excludes people who have impairments .
29 Whereas one would expect the lexicon to be organised in a way that facilitates the access of items , one would expect working memory to be organised in a way that facilitated the discrimination of competing hypotheses .
30 Whereas one would expect the lexicon to be organised in a way that facilitates the access of items , one would expect working memory to be organised in a way that facilitated the discrimination of competing hypotheses .
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