Example sentences of "[vb pp] the same [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The claims of the kingdom of God dictate that all people must be treated the same and be held in the same esteem .
2 To attract the best patrons the movie-houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres and opera-houses but very quickly the whole industry realized that the appeal of the movie palaces was not unrelated to the fact that all customers had to be treated the same and so they became temples of a new classlessness .
3 They 'll be treated the same and have their qualifications recognised .
4 My mother always kept letters in their envelopes and a lot of other people must have done the same or the stamp business generally would have been the poorer . ’
5 When Robert McFarlane was charged with withholding information from Congress about diverting arms sale funds to the Contras , Reagan openly joked that he had done the same and withheld information from Congress .
6 Erm and I 've said further on that erm some could have afford to stay out but that 's they we 're not all built the same and erm we must avoid that at all cost .
7 I told her that I was surprised at that because my Mum had said the same and I had n't believed her .
8 Unless , that is , two groups happen to tell each other and it turns out that both have had the same or similar experiences .
9 We 've still got the same and the dining one
10 News that standards had stayed the same or actually fell in several instances is pretty alarming , especially the apparent deterioration in reading skills among less able pupils .
11 A bicycle is not profiled the same and the pannier bags were constantly grabbed , causing many a rude word .
12 The stimuli may have remained the same but almost all other aspects of the training situation were radically altered in the shift from the simultaneous to the successive procedure .
13 Numbers are very small , and of course tabular data are only an extremely crude summary of a very complex range of feelings ; however ( excluding those whose attitudes were not known or impossible to summarise ) , it appears that three carers in the action samples felt the strain had lightened , four that it had remained the same and five that it had worsened .
14 Shagalyn Jadambaa ( Defence ) , and Tserenpilyn Gombosuren ( Foreign Relations ) had all held the same or similar posts in the outgoing Cabinet ; Dalrain Davaasambuu ( Finance ) , Namsraijavyn Luvsabjav ( Justice ) and Tsevenjavyn Oold ( Food and Agriculture ) were among new appointments .
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