Example sentences of "[vb pp] as [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't see any way out but a subscription list , to be organised as soon as possible .
2 The posture is organised as carefully as the length of the red tags or the Sta-prest or the hair .
3 Like many Oxford men , he belonged to the strong Socratic tradition in which dialogue was esteemed as highly as the written word .
4 They should also press for the training necessary to enable them to carry out their duties of securing provision for individual pupils and working to ensure that special education is esteemed as highly as any other form of education within a system in which schools will have greater control over resources and the setting of priorities for their use .
5 Can I be clear please I I 'm sorry Mr , can I just be clarif clarified as far as E N V Eleven is concerned , which pond this is in terms of names ?
6 Other Coalition Liberals were disliked as warmly as Lloyd George , more for their present policies than for their past .
7 Despite the Geneva conference requirement that heavy weapons in the area be placed under UN supervision from Sept. 12 [ see above ] , renewed artillery attacks were reported as early as Sept. 14 in Sarajevo ( which was suffering severe water and electricity shortages as supply lines were interrupted ) .
8 He was completely satisfied with the explanation ; the lawsuit was to be discontinued as far as he himself was concerned , and he had written to Mr. Jennings asking him to withdraw as well .
9 Both Soviet and British spheres of influence should be discouraged as far as possible , though it was accepted that such spheres would be among the inescapable facts of contemporary life .
10 The coils themselves should consist of 500 turns of 0.2mm enamelled wire scramble wound as neatly as possible over the core , the second winding crossing over the top of the first at right angles .
11 If she meant to make us nervous , she 's succeeded as far as I 'm concerned .
12 He had kissed and fondled her and she had responded as well as she could but they had both been too aware of each others inexperience and uncertainty to achieve fulfilment .
13 I have responded as fully as possible when the hon. Gentleman has raised the matter , and I have drawn it to the attention of my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
14 The Colonel was used to acting in loco parentis and would certainly not have responded as warmly as he had done to Miss Danziger 's maturity had he not discerned in it a vulnerability : something he could defend .
15 The tunnel is designed as far as possible to stay within the chalk marl but the alignment is constrained by the geometric requirements of a high speed railway including a minimum horizontal curvature of 4,200m and a maximum gradient of just under 1% .
16 You will be looking for a typesetter , help with layout , so the magazine is designed as eye-catchingly as possible , and a printer .
17 No ! ) behaviour which needs to be curbed as soon as possible .
18 It is n't easy when you 're in a single room jammed up with a double bed , and the dump is decorated as carelessly as the inside of a rarely used cupboard .
19 Tom Mace , president and chief executive officer of 88open , believes the proposed Architecture Neutral Distribution Format-type software portability technologies now doing the rounds should be pursued as vigorously as possible , but argues that provision for support and verification must be developed , if the stuff is to become accepted by a still sceptical independent software vendor community .
20 With the support of regional legal officers and a set of guidelines and codes of practice , we ask the solicitors to abide by regional secretaries ensuring that cases are pursued as forcefully as possible with the members interests uppermost at all stages .
21 If I had left it on the night flying path I would have had a serious rocket which I would not have forgotten as easily as I had forgotten the first one — from the wing commander flying .
22 It had been forgotten as quickly as it had begun .
23 Hoomey took off as usual , holding his nose , and came up with a shriek that probably carried as far as the bridge party two streets away .
24 John Boys in his Agriculture of the County of Kent 1794 , tells us that hop poles are the chief article which make woods valuable in this part of the country , there being not only local demand but the poles are carried as far as Maidstone and beyond , the planters preferring the poles grown on the hills to those of quicker growth .
25 The Minister has now said that it will be another seven years before everyone crossing the channel on holiday will be carried as safely as possible .
26 Hall 's positive views about the timing of the judges ' appointments probably originated as early as 1835 , when the plans for the new Houses of Parliament were being considered .
27 President Bush has enjoyed rising approval ratings , and communism 's appeal has collapsed as fast as communism .
28 Excavations have shown that the extensive legionary fortress near Inchtuthil , north of Perth , had to be evacuated as early as AD 87 before construction had been completed .
29 On Nov. 15 the French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas said in Bahrain that sanctions against Iraq , necessary to curb its war-making potential , should be lifted as soon as possible because of the hardship imposed on the Iraqi people .
30 Controls should be lifted as soon as possible after the war .
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