Example sentences of "[vb pp] after [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 149 ( 3 ) A term , at a rent or granted in consideration of a fine , limited after the commencement of this Act to take effect more than twenty-one years from the date of the instrument purporting to create it , shall be void , and any contract made after such commencement to create such a term shall likewise be void ; but this subsection does not apply to any term taking effect in equity under a settlement , or created out of an equitable interest under a settlement , or under an equitable power for mortgage , indemnity or other like purposes .
2 Fears that Steffi Graf 's foot injury was worse than first thought , were allayed after the defending women 's champion put in six hours of practice at Wimbledon on Saturday then practised for two hours yesterday at a club in west London .
3 Quasi-periodic solutions were found at sufficiently small a , and chaotic solutions developed after a sequence of period doublings as f is increased when a = 0.05 ( see Fig. 2.23 ) .
4 My patient presented in March 1991 with a raised red lesion on the back of her leg , which she believed had developed after an insect bite on holiday in Malta in 1990 .
5 The supposedly most securely dated vessels are those which can be related to Continental chronologies ; vessels which occur on the Continent but not in England date to before the migration , those on both sides of the North Sea to the migration period itself , and those which are only found in England must have developed after the migration period .
6 Doubts about the effectiveness of the 1979 Banking Act in ensuring an adequate supervision of banks developed after the collapse of Johnson Matthey Bankers ( JMB ) in 1984 .
7 They were developed after the merger of Siemens and Nixdorf when Siemens acquired Targon .
8 The other is to imply , by crediting before the deduction of dividends an amount equal to the goodwill component , that profit for the period is calculated after the goodwill release .
9 It is a poor house Ellen and not clean but it is cheap and furnished after a fashion and best of all lies next to the Casa Guidi which raised my spirits .
10 Peacock was sacked after a year , and other staff followed .
11 Mrs Frak was sacked after the incident and was told by magistrates she could now face prison .
12 For a few months he stood on a European par with Adler and Liebknecht and tried to take responsibility for Russians interned after the Brest–Litovsk peace .
13 The shortcomings of the JIC and the secret agencies tend only to be exposed after the kind of failure they exist to prevent .
14 Thus , our analysis is based on 386 incident cases all diagnosed after the introduction of treatment .
15 Our analysis includes the geographical area covered by Gardner et al but follows it too closely in time to provide data to test their findings ; only cases 12–14 in table III ( one non-Hodgkin lymphoma , one leukaemia , one Hodgkin 's disease ) were diagnosed after the period covered by the Gardner study and moreover all three were conceived before the parents moved to Seascale .
16 No difference in the platelet-aggregate ratio was found between a group of 15 diabetics diagnosed after the age of 30 years ( six treated with insulin ) , some of whom had vascular complications compared to age- and sex-matched controls .
17 South Africa 's Administrator-General , Louis Pienaar , had proposed that all ballots be cast in numbered envelopes , which could be traced after the elections , and that the count should be conducted in the capital , Windhoek , over as long as five weeks .
18 There should be scope for at least 256 instructions traced before the trigger and possibly 256 instructions traced after the trigger .
19 Although early day weakness among the leaders , inspired by profit takers , evaporated after a series of small ‘ buy side ’ programme trades , generate any genuine investment interest was poor .
20 Plans to develop Penang Hill , an isolated patch of forest on one of Malaysia 's most densely-populated islands , has been halted after a protest campaign .
21 A TV show featuring sexy home videos was halted after a flood of viewers ' complaints in Sydney , Australia .
22 There 's been no outside aid for civilians in Central Bosnia since October the 25th when convoys were halted after the killing of a Danish truck driver …
23 Castro 's material aid to groups embracing guerrilla warfare was effectively halted after the death of Che Guevara in 1967 , polemic with the Soviet Union died down , and in the early 1970s Havana launched a successful diplomatic initiative to establish its own ties with Latin American governments .
24 Proceedings were halted after the forum 's interim executive committee chaired by Seraphin Rwamba failed to agree with the President on the live radio coverage of deliberations , which Compaore opposed .
25 The low-lying helmet streamer , lower right , was formed after a prominence eruption and coronal mass ejection .
26 Earlier , the socialist Congress Party for Malagasy Independence ( Parti du congrès de l'indépendance de Madagascar — AKFM-Renewal , formed after the March 1989 presidential elections — see p. 36678 ) announced on Oct. 6 that it had pulled out of the ruling coalition .
27 Fremskridtspartiet ( FP — Progress Party , Johannes Sörensen ch. — for expulsion of Mogens Glistrup from parliamentary party in November 1990 see p. 37868 ) ; Pensionistpartiet ( Pensioners ' Party , formed in August 1990 ) ; Trivselspartiet ( Growth Party , Mogens Glistrup l. , formed after the November 1990 split within the Progress party — see above ) .
28 It was agreed that this matter should be dealt with by the new committee formed after the A.G.M.
29 A transition team to negotiate the handover of power from the FSLN to the UNO was formed after the elections , headed by ( for the UNO ) Antonio Lacayo , Chamorro 's brother-in-law , who had run her election campaign , and ( for the FSLN ) Cdr .
30 Alliance , one of a number of new companies formed after the war , spent £90,000 on a grandiose production programme before seeing how a single one of its films performed in the cinemas .
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