Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
2 The hammock , which was slung from a long pole carried on the shoulders of two men , was used for transporting the sick and infirm across rough country terrain and , in and around Funchal , for the rich and for the tourists who were carried through the dirty , and sometimes muddy , streets .
3 Curwen 's interest in agriculture probably dated from a long journey through Europe following the death of his first wife in 1778 .
4 Explore the objects and evidence gathered from a long history of local excavation .
5 The water cascaded down the face of the spillway again , the noise like a million stamping feet heard from a long way off .
6 ‘ … and the pathetic thing was that he thought he had just recovered from a long period of madness . ’
7 This led to a two mile chase on my bicycle following his refusal to answer my questions and a final on the deserted marshes where large quantities of tobacco had to be recovered from the long grass in a grey December dawn .
8 Although many kinds of trace fossil are known from a long geological time span , some are confined to the Cambrian and could record extinct body plans , as well as details of early metazoan activities such as locomotion and feeding .
9 The ideology of Hitler and his cronies derived from a long history of pseudo-philosophical state thuggery .
10 Striped deck chairs had gone from the long , grey stretch of shingle below the Promenade , and the fairy-lights that spiralled around the white lampposts were never turned on after the beginning of October for reasons of economy .
11 Each individual cuckoo nestling is descended from a long line of ancestral cuckoo nestlings , every single one of whom must have succeeded in manipulating its foster-parent .
12 But each individual foster-parent is descended from a long line of ancestors many of whom never encountered a cuckoo in their lives .
13 These measures had resulted from a long period of maturation and fitted into Morrison 's 1944 vision of a ‘ legislative programme of social reconstruction ’ after the war had ended .
14 It is a big bridal veil , but my picture was taken from a long way off .
15 This article is taken from a longer piece first published in The Independent on 19 February 1990 .
16 Three of these subjects are compulsory , two are chosen from a long list ( see below ) , while the dissertation is a free choice restricted only by practicality , ingenuity and application .
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