Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The show was dominated by painting with issued-based and figurative work featuring prominently .
2 The introduction of new products , continuous improvements in productivity , and customer service and cost reduction initiatives have all helped to sustain performance in a year dominated by recession in our principal markets around the world .
3 We have , in this simple example , a paradigm case of a legislative judgment dominated by consistency in strategy .
4 She takes a hard look at the way women present their bodies , their image and how this is dominated by notions of contemporary beauty .
5 Barro ( 1977a , fn.9 ) acknowledges this criticism but argues that the principal movements in FEDV , which are dominated by changes in wartime activity , would be known to agents in advance .
6 The later stages of evolution are dominated by changes in the pattern of fluctuation with respect to time — from the very regular periodicity considered above towards the irregular fluctuations characteristic of turbulence .
7 Suddenly , she felt the need to confide , to be able to tell some other person that when she was not actually working , her mind and heart were dominated by thoughts of Harry .
8 Its accounts of anorexia , for instance , are dominated by descriptions of how dominant discourses of femininity link a narrowly defined physical attractiveness to female sexuality and success .
9 Although the primary purpose of the meeting was to initiate a follow-up conference on the future role of the CSCE , the meeting was dominated by discussions on the resolution of the conflict in Nagorny-Karabakh [ see pp. 38827-28 ] .
10 Both meetings had been dominated by calls from LDC representatives who urged that countries in the LDC category be given special treatment , including the writing-off of all outstanding debt [ for inclusion of Namibia in the list of LDCs see p. 38263 ] .
11 By 1985 the total employment of foreign-owned plants had fallen to 677,100 , dominated by ownership in the USA ( 416,300 ) and the EC ( 95,100 ) ; by mechanical engineering and vehicles ( 205,600 ) ; and by the South East ( 240,200 ) .
12 The client 's discourse was dominated by conceptions of kin-based relationships ; the lawyer 's discourse was dominated by conceptions of relations involving ownership potentialities and capacities .
13 The client 's discourse was dominated by conceptions of kin-based relationships ; the lawyer 's discourse was dominated by conceptions of relations involving ownership potentialities and capacities .
14 The role of " burden-sharing " among NATO allies in terms of costs and responsibilities , an issue which developed further during June-December 1989 , was dominated by consideration of the future level of US forces stationed in Western Europe , principally in West Germany .
15 The session appeared to be dominated by consideration of economic problems in particular .
16 He admitted the award now in its eighth year tended to be dominated by pubs in the North .
17 To say that Tit for Tat , say , is an ESS , would be to say that Tit for Tat does well in a climate dominated by Tit for Tat .
18 In a climate entirely dominated by Tit for Tat , Suspicious Tit for Tat does not prosper , because its initial defection triggers an unbroken run of mutual recrimination .
19 However , the search for methods of countering the national economic and military ‘ deterioration ’ after the Boer War was dominated by discussion of methods of improving the numbers and environment of the masses rather than of weeding out the unfit .
20 Wales have not yet been regularly dominated by England in the way that France and Ireland have been recently .
21 He took the award from a field dominated by studies of early 19th century poets .
22 In spite of the increasing diversity of their work on women 's experiences with children , for instance , this work remains dominated by studies of mother-child relations and the problems they encounter .
23 If the population already happens to be dominated by genes for pathway 1 , selection will favour other genes for pathway 1 , and penalize genes for pathway 2 .
24 The occult section was dominated by works on numerology .
25 Soon the Klausenpass hotel is reached and within another kilometre the pass summit of 1,948m ( 6,389ft ) , dominated by mountains on both sides .
26 In the late 1970s , since its leadership was no longer dominated by members of the Communist Party , it was no longer regarded as subversive , but merely as a ‘ Communist penetrated organisation ’ .
27 Instead of rapidly expanding the ranks of the Party , it threatened , in their view , to reduce them ; instead of bridging the gap between a party dominated by members of the intelligentsia and the working masses , it threatened to institutionalize that gap .
28 The highest reaches of the Menshevik , Bolshevik and SR parties , it is true , continued to be dominated by members of the intelligentsia throughout .
29 The Party has long been dominated by members of the Sunni Arab minority , who have shown little patience with the Kurds of the north or the Shiite Arabs of the south .
30 Following his re-election as President in May 1988 François Mitterrand appointed as Prime Minister Michel Rocard , who in turn formed a minority government dominated by members of the Socialist Party ( Parti socialiste — PS ) [ see pp. 35978-81 ] .
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