Example sentences of "[vb pp] at a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
2 This means that the extra payments received for overtime beyond the scheduled week are earned at an earlier stage in large firms .
3 Remains are scarce as most of the work has been rebuilt at a later date .
4 They carry the Government Class 1 BS476 Part 7 fire ratings and can be installed at a lower cost than conventional re-roofing .
5 The research is covering six sectors of industry and will be supplemented at a later date by a series of case studies .
6 The finer details will have to be added at a later date when experience of operating in a contract culture has been gained .
7 ( The recessed verandah to the right of centre , with its sliding picture windows , was added at a later date . )
8 The statue is late Roman , the head of ( it is assumed ) Archbishop Adelmanno having been added at a later stage in what was believed to have been tenth-century style .
9 It has a narrow Norman tower , the battlements of which were added at a later date .
10 However , it is well worth using in dishes which require the wine to be added at a later stage to give flavouring .
11 The first , having to do with the very nature of the notations , is that some of them have certainly been added at a later date .
12 The invitation could not have come at a better time .
13 For Sinton , who made his England debut in Poznan in the crucial final qualifier against Poland last November and was a member of the England B side that defeated France B at Loftus Road in February , that run could not have come at a better time .
14 And the announcement of the engagement could not have come at a better time for the battle-weary Royal Family .
15 ‘ The cash could n't have come at a better time , ’ said George at their home in Swansea , Wales .
16 " You could n't have come at a better time , " said Fleury cheerfully .
17 ‘ This holiday has been a godsend and could n't have come at a better time .
18 It could n't have come at a better time .
19 League Cup success could n't have come at a better time for Rangers , nor for that matter could the return to goalscoring form of Ally McCoist .
20 League Cup success could n't have come at a better time for Rangers , nor for that matter could the return to goalscoring form of Ally McCoist .
21 ‘ Then my news could not have come at a better time ! ’
22 That 's his first for the club and could n't have come at a better time for Hereford , though .
23 New boy , Brian Marwood gave them the lead ; his first goal for the club and it could n't have come at a better time .
24 And it could n't have come at a better time for the 29 year old bowler in this his benefit season .
25 Yes , so what er that council on study and television er could n't of come at a better time Don
26 In Peking 's eyes , the Nobel Peace Prize could not have come at a worse time .
27 It could scarcely have come at a worse time .
28 This could not have come at a worse time , with the prospect in view of becoming an ‘ officer 's lady ’ .
29 For the CEGB , trying to sell nuclear reliability to an increasingly sceptical local population , this could hardly have come at a worse time .
30 She could not have come at a worse time ; a few hours after she arrived , she was a helpless burning hulk , with most of her passengers and crew dead .
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