Example sentences of "[vb pp] for a more " in BNC.

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1 Charlie could have wished for a more cloudy night .
2 All other lorries will have to steer clear of streets originally designed for a more traditional form of transport .
3 Bevin , impressed by Soviet intransigence during the foreign ministers ' conference at the end of 1947 , decided that the time had come for a more overt display of Western unity .
4 In the Cabinet , Callaghan 's open methods and refusal to countenance conspiracies made for a more harmonious atmosphere than ever prevailed under Harold Wilson ( now Lord Wilson of Rievaulx ) .
5 They were a step in a different direction from the exotic and theatrical Victorian house , and they were built for a more architecturally educated and independent type of client .
6 He also hinted that a conference expected next year to amend the EC treaty to achieve monetary union should be used for a more fundemental rewriting of the EC constitution .
7 The next step was to realise and accept that the expertise and advice of the counter-insurgency specialists could be used for a more ambitious purpose than the discomfiture of terrorists — that it could be employed to destabilise the region and in the process to destroy the organisations and popular support of inconvenient , legitimate political opponents of the government .
8 While its report is not so comprehensive as that of Readability Plus , it might be valued for a more succinct appraisal .
9 The successful exploitation of silver , indeed the mere winning of the metal on an adequate scale , called for a more sophisticated knowledge of metallurgy .
10 He attacked any deviation from ‘ class positions ’ in public life , and called for a more vigorous defence of the founders of socialism .
11 Prompted in part by a US-Soviet agreement to reduce forces in central Europe to 195,000 each [ see p. 37267 ] , senior NATO officials ( with the exception of the UK Defence Secretary , Tom King ) , attending the annual Wehrkunde conference in Munich on Feb.1-2 , called for a more closely integrated western European defence organization within an evolving Atlantic alliance .
12 Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit .
13 The parliament has called for a more rational approach to trade and aid schemes as well as investigation into the EC 's role in granting funds in certain cases .
14 But Eleanor Young , chairman of Darlington CHC and vice chairman of the National Association of CHCs , called for a more flexible approach .
15 The response will give particulars of the expert and the APIL member(s) who put them on to the database and who can be contacted for a more personal recommendation .
16 Overtaking needs a bit more planning , but for those who have long since given up the chase and opted for a more dignified life , this is a lot of car for the money plus a BMW badge to ride behind .
17 Some European countries have opted for a more acceptable solution in the form of " right to reply " legislation , which allows judges or " ombudsmen " to direct newspapers to publish corrections and counter-statements from those who claim to have been misrepresented .
18 It then indicates the opportunity provided for a more participatory approach to school development planning .
19 It is also , however , a trial run for a more extensive catalogue which is being considered .
20 Greece had hoped for a more favourable frontier with Turkey ; she got some of what she wanted in 1881 .
21 It was clear that the Adjudicator had hoped for a more detailed explanation .
22 These groups are trained for a more aggressive role in crowd control , and represent a significant move away from the traditional approach to public order policing which was based on containment and the use of minimum force .
23 There are some natural phenomena which we generally explain in terms of the workings of their parts , and if asked for a more detailed account , we discuss the relations between smaller and smaller parts .
24 Eleanor McLaughlin has argued effectively that , in comparison in particular with modern Protestantism , the medieval tradition allowed for a more androgynous understanding of God and , since the human was seen as ‘ female ’ before God , also of the human being .
25 Could it be that er evolution in sort of Aboriginal societies are more harsher than that allowed for a more experienced man to teach a young child how to live as opposed to , it , it 's beneficial for
26 The difference between the monotonous beat of pop music and the rhythmical architecture of a great symphony is precisely that in classical music the primitive reaction is delayed and denied for a more varied satisfaction .
27 The Glasgow and South-Western catered for a more specialist interest with The Golfing Resorts of the Glasgow and South-Western .
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