Example sentences of "[vb pp] to a small " in BNC.

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1 Highly purified porcine or human short-acting insulin is added to a small volume of normal saline and infused using a pump set at a rate dependent on blood glucose monitoring .
2 In one study in North America 12,000 empty shells were added to a small reef , resulting in a substantial increase in the crab population .
3 Having regard to the requirements of the county as a whole , he wrote , and having the advantage of consultation with members of the Ministry of Health , he had decided to recommend the addition of two wings each of three storeys , providing a further 81 beds and a two-bedded ward to be added to a small existing building .
4 Maybe I have succeeded to a small extent , but there 's still plenty I want to know .
5 It was confined to a small border strip of 20,000 square miles and 1,500,000 inhabitants , encompassing Roslavl' and Smolensk , but excluding important districts centred on Vitebsk , Gomel , and Mogilev which were incorporated into the RSFSR .
6 During the war , ABPC had been confined to a small studio at Welwyn , producing low-budget crime melodramas .
7 In fact , I have always thought it would make a great spectacle for television if performed in surf with three contestants confined to a small area , all trying to knock each other of their boards .
8 The initiative was confined to a small circle — Churchill , Eden and the Chiefs of Staff — and I described the episode in The Times , after the 1952 papers had reached the Public Record Office in January 1983 , as ‘ one of the best kept secrets in the 1950s ’ .
9 In most situations it is advisable that the research project be given a ‘ low profile ’ , with the actual work of data-gathering and analysis confined to a small group of four or five suitably qualified people .
10 What is much more interesting , I have already suggested , is the idea that there could be patterns of behaviour which human beings are entirely capable of wanting and indeed , on an individual or limited scale , of achieving , but which for biological reasons are bound to be psychologically costly , or confined to a small group of otherwise unusual individuals , or otherwise bound to fail as general social institutions .
11 The mineralisation comprises large numbers of long ( up to several kilometres ) , narrow ( less than 10m ) , steeply-dipping oreshoots of limited vertical extent confined to a small number of massive limestone or sandstone beds .
12 Croatia was confined to a small area round Zagreb and a stretch of the northern Adriatic coast .
13 Although the revolt lasted less than a month and its effects were confined to a small region , Gubec became a folk hero to the peasants .
14 Chute 's activity as an architect was confined to a small number of projects only , but in them he established a distinct contribution , in two different directions .
15 Because of the focus on full-time official-steward relationships , and the intensive nature of the research , investigation will be confined to a small sample of officers and stewards in no more than 3 unions , in one part of the country .
16 The final year of Siyad Barre 's 21-year rule was marked by a rapid deterioration of the security situation throughout the country , with the government 's authority increasingly confined to a small area around the capital .
17 Maxwell-Fyfe replied that virulent anti-Americanism was confined to a small minority , but he made the most of the opportunity to spell out the extent of British alarm over what the Americans were doing or might do in the Far East .
18 It 's a vast site , but the burials are confined to a small area .
19 Although the original idea had been directed to the whole of the diocese it was felt that any pilot project should be confined to a smaller area .
20 One of the doctors managed to get the laundry going again and in a few days the hospital was evacuated to a small country town .
21 A long lease of a large property acquired for investment may well require far different treatment from a lease of second rate property let to a small businessman at a rack rent .
22 This is a new name applied to a small sub-basin lying between the flanks of the London-Brabant Massif and the previously-identified Dowsing Fault-Zone ( Glennie and Boegner 1981 ) .
23 Initially , this ’ collocation building program ’ was applied to a small corpus of financial documents .
24 Elizabeth and Helen moved into their own basement flat in an inner-city suburb in 1987. they are middle-aged and spent nearly thirty years together at the same mental handicap hospital but lived separately for the two years before the move into the community because Helen was transferred to a smaller institution .
25 Some years ago my family moved to a small cottage , which had one ground floor bedroom with a toilet attached , just perfect for Grandad .
26 P. , B. and D. are together with one family , T. and A. were initially together although A. has since had to be moved to a small children 's home , and K. is with a third family .
27 Anne managed to discover that Kathleen O'Neill had been moved to a small hospital near St Helens in Lancashire and she travelled there to visit her on Sunday .
28 Anxious that nothing should disturb her aunt , Alexandra had the hens moved to a small paddock the far side of the stables so that their greedy shouting for breakfast could not be heard in the house .
29 In April he and Constanze had moved to a smaller , less fashionable apartment on the Landstrasse , and Constanze was once again pregnant .
30 Visits will be made to a small number of contrasting forces for a fairly prolonged period .
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