Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] years " in BNC.

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1 If there was an increase by 1545 , much of it may have come in the years after 1530 , and become important economically only after the period covered by this book ( 75 , p.69 ) .
2 Improvements at existing establishments have also been curtailed and will be necessarily confined in the years ahead to the renewal of essential services and repairs to enable establishments to continue in full operation .
3 His belief in peace at all costs in a policy of concession and containment — had eroded in the years since Han Ch'in 's death .
4 In attempting to deflect opinion from the disappointments of the previous winter and the lack of prospect of an early end of the war and to revamp morale through blaming others for Germany 's misfortunes — much as he had done in the years before 1933 — Hitler had lifted a corner of the veil of the ‘ Führer myth ’ and revealed a glimpse of the arbitrary , dictatorial , and irrational way he responded to the first reverses he and the nation had had to suffer .
5 May our apostolic work be affirmed and expanded in the years ahead .
6 It says , that not only does it save it 's money when it comes to when we 're putting in the tender bids , but actually the profits it makes goes back into the County Council , it has a two- prong saving of averages to this council , and we 've known and seen in the years that it 's been running that money has come back into county council balances , which means that we can have more money to spend on other services .
7 Every year in Great Britain hundreds of acres of trees are destroyed , a loss which is carried into the future , for fires mean a loss of that timber needed in the years to come .
8 The objectives of these courses should be to make the future teachers aware how much mother tongue learning is accomplished in the years before schooling starts , and critical of the ideas and beliefs about language which are transmitted by the culture .
9 Exploration intensified in the years that followed .
10 The ‘ old old ’ , i.e. those aged 85 and over , were born in the years 1890 — 1905 .
11 It may not be a coincidence , therefore , that four of the five individuals who developed leukaemia at ages 5–24 in Thurso in the years 1979–88 were incomers — and also that four were born in the years 1969–74 , the birth cohort with the greatest proportion of incomers .
12 ( The universities of Bath , Bradford , Brunel , Ireland , Loughborough , Salford , Sussex , Ulster , Warwick , and York have also supported geological research , but fewer than five theses were deposited in the years studied , and none were on Scottish subjects . )
13 But the treatment 's efficacy was several times demonstrated in the years which followed when his two elder sons , exposed to smallpox , failed to catch the disease .
14 D. Account for the industrial and political best witnessed in the years 1909 to 1914
15 The sharp opposition of state and civil society was fundamentally altered in the years of the Weimar Republic when a much friendlier set of public bodies served partly as framework for the Bauhaus , and for Brecht 's and Piscator 's theatre .
16 The original Act had been amended in the years before 1979 by such Acts as the Misrepresentation Act 1967 , the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
17 The house in Broad Street was to be inundated in the years to come with hopeful contributions from naval captains , clergymen , convicts , sheep-farmers , and soldiers , as well as Gould 's own specially appointed collectors .
18 A comparison with later styles shows the way in which armour developed in the years separating the first and third ventures into the Holy Land .
19 This age-based inequality in our society is most marked in the years of youth and early adulthood : thus , in British law , 16 is the age of consent , 18 is the age at which one can vote and drink in a pub , and so on .
20 The Park — itself unmentioned by Pevsner — had been built in the 1870s and greatly enlarged in the years after 1883 .
21 Clearly if this question was easy to decide it would have been settled in the years of the Thatcher Governments .
22 Needless to say , these measures proved effective , and Persian weavers went back to using natural dyes until the more reliable chrome dyes were introduced in the years between the First and Second World Wars .
23 Having reasserted the need for a national framework and having listed a set of general educational aims , the ministers set out ‘ the approach to the curriculum which they consider should now be followed in the years ahead ’ .
24 The pressure of legal penalties , not only against pagans but eventually also against heretics , schismatics , and Jews , no doubt had a part to play ; but to judge by the extent to which Christian mobs could get their way without restraint years before the emperors ' coercive legislation , enacted in the years after 390 , it was no more than a minor part .
25 Various such measures were enacted in the years prior to 1867 , though the most notable were to be enacted in the remaining decades of the century .
26 The concept of greater parental involvement was favourably received , and this involvement has increased in the years since Plowden .
27 The reaction which followed hit the Bolsheviks particularly hard , but a network of local party organizations survived , regrouped and exerted ever greater influence as working-class protest resumed in the years immediately before the war .
28 The fame of Lionel Trilling in New York , of F. R. Leavis in Cambridge , peaked in the years after 1945 , in their middle age , and their consciousness of fame and influence reached its climax in the early 1950s with the appearance of two essay-collections , Trilling 's The Liberal Imagination ( 1950 ) and Leavis 's The Common Pursuit ( 1952 ) .
29 There is no knowing either whether the measures to prevent a depression would have worked in the years after the war , because the problems were inflation and a balance of payments deficit , just as the anti-Keynesians at the Treasury had predicted .
30 And indeed , where little had happened in the years before December 1557 , there was an alarming upsurge of Protestant activity in 1558 .
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