Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [num ord] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On the way home , we were approached a second time , by an Me 109 .
2 The parents of the 33 children who had not recovered were interviewed a second time to answer the question whether the constipation/soiling problems had persisted or recurred , because we were not able to determine this from the initial questionnaire .
3 If that freelance photojournalist is wounded , but soon returns to the operational area to continue covering the story , only to be wounded a second time , then we are looking at a fairly remarkable man with a tale worth telling .
4 Similarly , a serious case brought before the magistrate had to be presented a second time before the justice of the peace .
5 Bearing in mind the provocation , and the fact that the offender had to face the prospect of being sentenced a second time , the sentence was far too lenient , and a proper sentence would have been two years ' immediate imprisonment : that sentence would be substituted .
6 The sentence imposed by the Court of Appeal presumably incorporates a discount to reflect the fact that the offender had to face the prospect of being sentenced a second time , but there is no indication of the extent of the discount : the case is therefore of limited value as an indication of what the proper sentence would have been at first instance .
7 The first female is then shot a second time , and as the confused baby attempts to suckle from its dying mother , it too is despatched with a single bullet . ’
8 After a while , if undisturbed , the Aplysia puts its siphon out again , and if it is then prodded a second time , it will show the same withdrawal reflex .
9 The Body being thus equipp 'd and laid in the Coffin ( which Coffin is sometimes very magnificent ) , it is visited a second time to see that it is bury 'd in Flannel , and that nothing about it sowed with Thread .
10 but I shall not be drawn a second time
11 We 've had a cu We 've had a first time they 've erm quote at two thousand one hundred and seventy six pounds .
12 It had to be performed a second time , after the British Consul had taken the couple 's oaths on his diary instead of the Bible .
13 I was asked if I wished my name to be withdrawn a second time but I declined , feeling it would be wrong to have to continue to rely on the goodwill and hospitality of friends in order to continue playing .
14 Grinning , he gently rubbed his swollen nose , newly broken a fourth time .
15 Love was this milky fullness , Thérèse born a second time , into a land of plenty .
16 My colleagues and I do not believe that the British people will be fooled a second time — one can take a horse to water but one can not make it drink .
17 The old city was abandoned a second time , given over to romantics , theorists , transients and dogs .
18 After it was found a second time — minus the tools — Mr Brettel , 48 , of Ash , Hants , said : ‘ I thought they were winding me up .
19 was it updated a second time or did you ask for it to be updated a second time ?
20 was it updated a second time or did you ask for it to be updated a second time ?
21 To be rebuffed a second time would be unthinkable , unbearable .
22 In Jan. 1829 the company had asked a second time if Lady le Fleming might not offer some assistance in view of the great expense of development work .
23 When he had tried a third time , the headmaster had made some slightly menacing remarks about brotherhood and commitment .
24 ‘ Dr Henry is extremely short-sighted and as he bent down to try to find them , he was punched a second time , which caused him to fall back and land on a bench , ’ Mr Thomas said .
25 Following further unacceptable behaviour , breach proceedings were started a second time , and the appellant absconded from the hostel ; he was eventually arrested and committed to the Crown Court to be dealt with for the original offences .
26 In July I was readmitted a second time , having finally obtained recognition of my French doctorate after more than a year .
27 Secondly , the court may order him to forfeit his office if he is convicted for corruption under the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 , and if he is convicted a second time under that Act he may be adjudged incapable for ever of holding a public office .
28 It was held that they could be convicted a second time and made to pay compensation to a second victim who had read a copy of the same brochure .
29 Of the stallions : one who spent the day out in a paddock , stuffed the bucket aside with his nose in the second fastest time ; but the remaining two stallions , who lived in yards , completely failed the test — even when tested a second time .
30 Traditional grammars give two main explanations of the use of the definite article ( the ) rather than the indefinite article ( a , an ) : the former is used before nouns referring to something unique , or before a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a second time .
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