Example sentences of "[vb pp] in the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Re-exporting of tropical and semi-tropical products had boomed in the later seventeenth century and although expansion was less rapid thereafter , it held firm through the first three-quarters of the eighteenth century .
2 The root of the problem is located in the culturally inappropriate methods which were adopted in response to this evangelistic and pastoral challenge .
3 Most commercially exploited minerals in Britain tend to be in the older geological strata located in the more remote western and upland regions , while sand and gravel occur in coastal or valley sites or in glacial deposits , particularly in the south and east of England .
4 This remained steady at 25,000 km. in 1920 , but actually dropped in the more prosperous years after 1922 to 23,100 in 1924 .
5 This year a robin has nested in the closely interlacing branches ; last summer there was a wren .
6 Manuel Salgado , the interim president of the Ecuadorian Congress , currently visiting Cuba , stated that it showed that " US governing circles have not modified in the least their imperial policies , which dream of a unipolar world rooted in subjugation and slavery " .
7 However , low turnouts were reported in the predominantly Russian Vilnius suburb of Novaya Vilnya , and in the predominantly Polish rural district of Salcininkai .
8 As reported in the recently published Corporate Plan ( see the supplement in the June issue of AEA Times ) — we have done this .
9 My understanding is that the signalling in the Severn tunnel area is relatively new , and was installed in the relatively recent past .
10 ‘ There were coal-effect gas fires in the living-rooms ; the bathroom was covered in cork tiles , floor to ceiling ; the kitchen had been knocked through into a disastrous tunnel lined with Melamine ; and the roof had been re-tiled in the most revolting red pantiles instead of black slates .
11 Nor are these trips included in the most frequently consulted travel statistics , those in Transport Statistics Great Britain and Social Trends .
12 There are also , I think , concealed apologies included in the otherwise straightforward rituals of farewell .
13 On the other hand , in countries where fetal deaths for the maternal age group under 15 are not reported separately but are included in the under 20 age group , the relationship takes a " J " shape , since the chances for giving birth a viable child are poorer at the oldest childbearing ages than at the late teens .
14 In a lead adviser role or public deal , consideration should be given to the statement of indemnity which might even be included in the more standard engagement letter where a specific contract is not applicable .
15 If audio-visual items could be included in the very simple card catalogue systems previously devised for school libraries , they felt that the retrieval argument was over : a very comfortable conclusion for those who did not In any case understand indexing principles very thoroughly , were not very interested in the activity and valued most of all their own face-to-face contact with the clientele , making up in personal ( and psychologically boosting ) service for the shortcomings of their own indexes .
16 Included in the highly competitive suggested retail price of £89 is an instruction book ‘ Get Started ’ , colour pattern book and all the necessary tools .
17 Some features included in the Once-Over design were remarkably advanced for a tractor manufactured before 1920 .
18 For the real Earth , it ignores factors crucial to climate not included in the somewhat simplistic climate sensitivity appropriate to CO 2 increases .
19 The one sensational deviation was her plan for trade-union reform contained in the now famous White Paper In Place of Strife .
20 For the purposes of the present paper the general position of the boundaries has been deduced from the linear arrangement of well known surface structures , some of which are recognisable on satellite images , and guided by the pattern of published gravity and aeromagnetic maps , also taking into account the age and character of the pre-Permian rocks penetrated in the relatively few deep boreholes from which data are publicly available .
21 While they had been talking , there had been a couple of moments when he had n't looked in the least civilised !
22 She arrived in Bamford a little after eleven and parked in the almost empty car park to the rear of the supermarket .
23 It had been caught in the most unlikely of places , not a country location but on the High Row in the centre of Darlington ! — Mr Ken Wood with a badger poster .
24 The deletion of the negative by Kirkup matched well the new more assertively public attitude of homosexuals in the 1960s and 1970s ; his means , the depiction of a homosexual relationship between a Roman centurion and the crucified body of Christ , depicted in the most physical sensual terms , was nothing if not polemical .
25 Small crystals of cadmium are interspersed in the finely divided eutectic mixture .
26 Yes , Jack had certainly cracked in the pro-am , and had been given a sharp reprimand by the tournament director , Oliver Moreton , no doubt much to the latter 's enjoyment .
27 Dr Carter is thoroughly versed in the most recent literature relevant to his subject , and much of his account draws together in outline the present state of knowledge ( to which he himself , through his articles , has abundantly contributed ) .
28 Writing poetry is presented in the wholly artificial diction of tending the shepherd 's trade , or in a Latinism that is not even correct , colloquial , normal English in meditating the thankless muse .
29 Each entry is presented in the most practical and straightforward way possible , with both an explanation of the problem and examples of correct usage .
30 Suger and Odo of Deuil between them established the norms for the house 's long tradition of royal historiography ; of these the chief was that whatever the Capetians did should be presented in the most favourable light possible .
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