Example sentences of "[vb pp] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both rooms had received the same brutal searching treatment .
2 A decade or so previously , Nizan had been taught the same bitter lesson .
3 It was a lucid dream , with him walking down infinite identical corridors , all painted the same pale blue , all leading to endless identical doors .
4 The walls and ceilings were all painted the same insipid magnolia and there was rush matting on the floor which trapped bits of food and stuff and hurt if you walked on it with bare feet .
5 Two types of lesion are studied , both groups being given the same two behavioural tests .
6 The holder is also given the same possessory and control rights as a holder of a paper based bill , including the rights to claim delivery of the goods , to nominate the consignee or substitute a nominated consignee , to transfer the right of control and transfer and to instruct the carrier with respect to the delivery of the goods .
7 Separate records are made for each context , and any finds are given the same unique number .
8 Day after day , he was given the same old put-off by the stage doorman about Viola not being there .
9 Werner Moke , the head of the Dresden city branch of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany ( SED ) at the time , was given the same suspended prison sentence and fined DM3,600 ( US$2,300 ) .
10 But it seems unlikely that it is often so , and it would be a mistake to extrapolate to other cases of mental illness which have been given the same diagnostic labels .
11 Schools are given the same written guidelines as in the Major Project , but it is made clear that only a short proposal document is required to accompany the school 's spending plan .
12 * Technical note : like last week to ensure a fair contest , all extracts have been given the same epistolary format that Bragg used in A Time To Dance .
13 Of course not : nor , given the same fair-minded approach , is there in the spilt of Owen 's prospectus — unless we consider that the millenarian aspiration which envisages ‘ revolutionary practice ’ is in some sense superior to one which does not .
14 They 'll be given the same three options I should imagine .
15 Both have developed the same unusual method of trapping prey — they dig small pitfall traps for it .
16 While the reform of the welfare state has not attracted the same consistent media attention as other issues , the changes made in the scope of welfare provision since 1979 nevertheless amount to a mini-revolution , and have played a part in creating an underclass .
17 France had not been a party to the negotiations , had not enjoyed the same privileged access to US nuclear technology , and possessed neither the submarines to launch Polaris nor the warheads to arm them .
18 Women are still not permitted the same sexual freedom as men .
19 READING Barrie Clement 's diatribe ( 6 October ) under the heading ‘ Union law policy remains unclear ’ , I wondered if he had attended the same Labour Party Conference as I did .
20 Romaine ( 1978b ) has cited the case in Edinburgh of two locally born upper-middle-class speakers who had attended the same private school but spoke with quite different accents .
21 Same age as Francesca , and had attended the same good North London all-girls ' grammar school , for entry to which aspiring parents would have been prepared to pay blood-money had there been anyone in the austere intellectual governing body and teaching staff who would have taken it .
22 Notts County manager Mick Walker has named the same fourteen that were on duty at the City ground on Saturday for tonight 's journey to Wolves .
23 They have adopted the same macho rhetoric which , until recently , was the sole preserve of the Tories . ’
24 The Draft Directive has adopted the same 50 mg/litre nitrate standard as the Drinking Water Directive and proposes the designation of ‘ zones ’ that are ‘ vulnerable ’ to being polluted with nitrate up to 50 mg/litre , either directly or indirectly .
25 You know they had n't even matched the same bloody type of car .
26 These councils were granted the same economic development powers as the ‘ other districts ’ , but they were additionally invited to submit an annual programme that would normally lead to greater Urban Programme funding than would be made available to the lowest tier of authorities .
27 ‘ Part-time , temporary workers will be granted the same social provisions as full-time employees .
28 Six years earlier , the museum had exhibited the same seventy-five pieces , loaned by the trustee and benefactor .
29 Jewish and Muslim mystics had also made the same radical claim .
30 And the teacher , too , might have made the same terrible mistake that she had made back in Teheran all those years before .
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