Example sentences of "[vb pp] the new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 more staff have participated in curriculum development , and have developed a greater sense of confidence , having satisfactorily completed the new task
2 I 'd just squawked the new transponder code when I saw a helicopter ahead at two o'clock .
3 Morocco had recognized the new Bazargan government and Hassan had no interest in continuing to display hospitality to his fallen brother .
4 Previously critical of French policies in the Pacific , Fiji had improved its relations with France since the 1987 coups , when France had recognized the new republic 's military government .
5 ‘ The Great Leader ’ was given the new title as 22 million North Koreans prepared to enjoy lavish birthday festivities in what the official media called ‘ the biggest national holiday ever ’ .
6 Full employment and proof of their ability had given the new generation greater self-confidence .
7 To avoid ‘ alienating the Arab members of the Gulf alliance , ’ the paper went on , ‘ no indictments have yet been issued against the prime suspects , and the force of Scottish detectives in charge of the criminal investigation into the bombing has not formally been given the new evidence by other elements of the international inquiry team , which includes the FBI , CIA and German and British intelligence [ authors italics ] . ’
8 Given the new licensing laws for teachers I shall give them some experience of the post 16+ area before embarking on the lower school work with which under the former arrangement I would normally have begun .
9 What has tended to happen historically , with earlier attempts to provide alternatives to custody , is that instead of moving offenders currently receiving a sentence of imprisonment down-tariff , in this case to some form of punishment in the community , down-tariff offenders — those who formerly were dealt with by a fine or conditional discharge — have been given the new sentence .
10 Given the amount of time that Karsten Schubert has been in business and given the new wave of gallery/dealers , this year is going to be the year to break with a much more open policy towards new art , are being seen as central to the contemporary art scene .
11 By the 11th Summerchild has given the new formation a temporary designation , which will prove to be permanent , and has provided a wealth of possible addresses , colleagues and procedures .
12 Histadrut ( trades union ) leaders announced that the signing of a new national wage agreement with manufacturers and public-sector employees would be virtually impossible given the new plan 's effective erosion of the wage-price-index link .
13 This cemented his place in the Test team , although it would be another year or so before he was given the new ball , and then it was just a question of piling up the scalps as the main strike bowler .
14 Given the new ball , I used to turn the front of my trousers over and polish it there .
15 It was never a question of somebody saying ‘ we have a depression , let's give them depression movies ’ but given the new dispensation it was Hollywood 's instinct to come up with just that added edge that the age required in its films .
16 It has also named former UK marketing director Mark Miller vice-president of marketing and given the new post of vice-president of corporate planning to Gael Curry , anticipating a quickening in sales .
17 It has also named former UK marketing director boss , Mark Miller , vice president of marketing and given the new post of vice president of corporate planning to Gael Curry , anticipating a quickening in sales .
18 Compaq Computer Corp and its 80486 interests , not any technical or manufacturing woes , are behind Intel Corp 's decision to delay the Pentium until May , BusinessWeek claims : well , schucks , that 's not what we hear — our sources , who are cooling their heels waiting for chips , continue to think that Intel is having problems making the parts in quantity ; given the new timetable , it still says samples should be more available than they are .
19 Given the new timetable , it still say samples should be more available than they are .
20 WIGAN 'S Martin Dermott has given the new season the ‘ Big E ’ — by dislocating his elbow just weeks before kick off .
21 But the villagers regarded the new name as no more than a foreigner 's eccentric fancy which they were under no obligation either to use or recognise .
22 Spain 's financial and industrial bourgeoisie had decades before 1931 thrown in its lot with the monarchy and the landed class ; as an immediate and massive flight of capital indicated , business interests substantially shared the suspicion , if not downright hostility , with which large landowners from the outset regarded the new regime .
23 By the time ZTT was formed the new pop sensibility had been subtly transformed into a commercial sensibility — the way to make sense of the pop process was in terms of market competition and success .
24 Stockbroker Charlton Seal Schaverien yesterday conditionally placed the new stock .
25 And this company U K has developed the new control systems for it .
26 Administrative computing ( for which the University has created and filled the new post of Director of Administrative Information Services ) will continue to be developed under the Management and Administrative Computing Initiative .
27 The news of her latest pregnancy was broken in November , and it is expected the new baby will make a public debut on her Good Morning BBC1 programme , perhaps next week .
28 Finally , she had rung the new office , cursing herself , her need .
29 Had he not enjoyed the new dispensation of sexual freedom ?
30 The Chemical Industries Asociation , which has organised the new insurance cover , said stringent pollution tests would be applied to companies wanting to buy the cover .
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