Example sentences of "[vb pp] the [num ord] time " in BNC.

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1 Blisters which had formed the first time now burst , weeping clear fluid onto the burner which hissed like an angry snake .
2 She was n't scared , not even when she was half-way up the path , dark yews all around her , and heard the sound she had heard the first time .
3 In the promenade bus-shelter they broke the window they had n't broken the last time they 'd visited it .
4 I 've forgotten the last time we really enjoyed ourselves together and sat down to a meal uninterrupted by telephone calls . ’
5 This leaven was added the next time baking bread was done .
6 Tonight , social services said nothing was done the first time because nobody believed the complaints .
7 Well the reality is of course that Clare has already told us that internment did n't work the last time , it was badly done the last time .
8 He had been defeated the first time , but that foray into the arena had taught him a lot .
9 For a split second he experienced that same numbing fear he had felt the first time he had come under enemy fire .
10 Tsu Ma knelt down and held his shoulders , nodding , remembering how he had felt the first time he had seen the ritual , not then knowing what was happening , nor why .
11 These hijras are very bad and very dirty ladies , ’ he had said the first time I tried to give Razia a lift in his car .
12 . Said the first time she came round she did n't look at it , and then , after that she looked really I hope she does n't fall .
13 According to this law , if a response made in the presence of a particular stimulus is followed by a reward , that same response is more likely to be made the next time the stimulus is encountered .
14 I mean they were bright green , and I thought it was a different bike , I did n't even noticed the second time if it was a ladies or a man 's bike .
15 And we talked of the Red Fort and how Pakeezah had cried the first time she went around it as a schoolgirl .
16 ‘ Bulk ’ transfer should be used the first time information of a given type is transferred , thereafter this information can be kept up to date with LIFESPAN by use of ‘ incremental ’ transfers .
17 Mollie says she wo n't be fooled the next time a conman comes to call
18 They were the same colours-the same jewels — as those he had worn the first time they had met .
19 She was wearing the coat with all the buttons and buckles that she had worn the first time I saw her outside Kaama 's flat .
20 It had been worn the last time the Mendozas beat the O'Briens in the Open and on every occasion they had met since .
21 Milk , after the baby is born the first time the baby actually has to digest its own food it has to process the food that it takes in , what 's in milk ?
22 Note that if this keyword is used without the module 's manager having set a PREFERRED version , an error message will be displayed the next time an attempt is made to read the module out of LIFESPAN .
23 I had remembered the last time I had stood in a garden with a man .
24 The shift from family ownership to full stockmarket-listings marked the first time when the owners of American firms ceased to manage them .
25 All major opposition parties voted for the bills , whose adoption marked the first time since 1945 that an opposition bill had been passed in the Upper House .
26 Navratilova 's exit marked the first time no American woman had reached the quarter-finals of the US Open since women began playing in the tournament in 1887 .
27 However , Saturday 's setback at Celtic Park marked the first time in a year Goram had been in a losing Rangers team ( he was injured when Dundee won at Dens Park in August ) , and the assured nature of his performances at domestic , European and international level have helped gather an army of voters who could make the goalkeeper the first since Hamish McAlpine ( in 1985 ) to win the Scottish Football Writers ' Association Player of the Year award .
28 In fact , rather better than he 'd seemed the last time I 'd seen him .
29 Even today , tourists may see the claw-marks on a stone where Big Ears was said to have appeared the last time this ceremony was performed .
30 He 'd gone the last time , he reminded her , because of Lowell 's hands — well , partly .
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