Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] all " in BNC.

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1 The LMSR Company was the biggest operator of commercial road vehicles in the country , and because of this , and the fact that it built all its own stock of horse-drawn vehicles and designed and built all the bodies to its own designs on various motor chassis , it had great influence on the development of commercial vehicles in Great Britain from the early 1920s until around 1940 .
2 Tights were on the boiler , I 'd forgotten and run all the way ups down again
3 The chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote that at the Council of Oxford in 1227 , ‘ the King caused to be cancelled and annulled all the charters of liberties of the forest , although they had already been in force in the whole realm for two years ’ : the earls who rebelled in July were said to have compelled the king to restore the charters by the threat of armed force .
4 And she suddenly turned back in the direction they had come and ran all the way , her wet shift slapping against her bare legs .
5 I could have sat and stared all evening but Benjamin suddenly realised the drift of my eyes as well as my lechery and , at the appropriate time , seized me by the arm and hustled me from the hall .
6 But the men liked the giants ' tricks : one used to swallow and then regurgitate long arrows , as in a circus ; and another , who allowed himself to be called Juan and learned some biblical phrases , caught and ate all the rats and mice on board , to the entertainment of the men and the pleasure of the cook .
7 In an imperialist world , the Great Powers , a world system of States , dominated and shaped all lesser national demands .
8 He means by ‘ civility ’ that the inn keeper does whatever he wishes done and obeys all of his other commands .
9 We pinch ourselves and check our photographs to make sure that we have really seen , done and experienced all these wonderful things .
10 Everyone else was searched and had all their valuables stolen … but she was completely ignored .
11 Arthur Whitten-Brown , the navigator , who by a twist of fate spent his formative years living in Chorlton , Manchester , selected and installed all the instruments .
12 Any compiler of a catalogue raisonné will have seen and compared all the works listed , or will scruple to state if some work has proved inaccessible .
13 His newborn son 's face he could still recall vividly and sometimes did in his dreams , that white unsullied look of sweet knowledgeable contentment , as if , in a brief moment of life , he had seen and known all there was to know , seen it and rejected it .
14 Capitol police bolted and locked all the windows , in case a prowler was coming in after everyone had left : no luck .
15 One gang , which consisted of four coachmakers and two labourers , prepared and placed all timber , panels and other materials on the spot where it was required , and no man who was engaged on actual repairs was required to leave the job to look up any material .
16 There is nothing worse than being injured and watching all the games pass you by while you are out of action . ’
17 Yet in their presence God was made and eaten all day long , and for that reason those people could never be quite like other people , and that was Catholicism .
18 I spent the first eighteen months working in all the factory departments , so I started with a good knowledge of precisely how the product was made and did all the jobs that then existed in the production of confectionery .
19 He tried to get his battery razor to work but the batteries had leaked and gone all green .
20 Bedrooms are tastefully furnished and combine all modern comforts and facilities with the gracious style of a Tyrolean hunting lodge .
21 Methods to control odours from many sources are being developed and refined all the time .
22 Over the centuries the ’ safety-deposit planet ’ developed and refined all its amazing ways of maintaining the security that is its primary resource .
23 " Go straight in , curtsy to Her Ladyship , then stand up straight with your hands joined and answer all her questions truthfully . "
24 Dr. Corrigan suggests that ‘ by the time the World Health Organisation have listed and checked all the herbs which could be used , doctors may find themselves prescribing herbs which were once dismissed as old wives ' tales ’ .
25 Though normally , in the Highlands , there is almost enough light at that time to write by , the storm-clouds that had thickened and threatened all day made it quite dark .
27 Sentence linguists follow one of two procedures : they either invent their examples for analysis , using their own intuitive knowledge as native speakers ( their linguistic competence ) as a yardstick , or they take language which people have actually used and remove all the features which they believe to be irrelevant to their purposes .
28 He is a head-on tackler who lines you up in his sights , closes down your space and — whack — you suddenly find yourself enveloped , smothered and smashed all the way back to square one .
29 He had been born and lived all his life over the shop : E. Garland and Son , Artists ' Suppliers and Printers .
30 She claims to have understood and resolved all her own hidden desires , and she spends her life doing so for others : she is a ‘ modern middleman between body and soul , a perfect salesman of the unconscious to the conscious ’ ( 33 ) .
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