Example sentences of "[vb pp] way [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The old thatched tythe barn which stood end on to Silver Lane just below Manor Farm has now made way for a clutch of modern houses .
2 The most commonly known way of a baby becoming infected with HIV is through the womb .
3 The Orb 's popularity has gone way beyond a club coterie now , way beyond a clique of space cadets and opinion leaders in darkened rooms at dawn .
4 Finniston takes issue , however , with the view that the next generation of managers will find themselves working within a post-industrial society , where manufacturing industry has largely given way to a dependence on the service industries .
5 Here the bargaining stage has given way to a period of time when you feel it is just not possible to cope with the situation and the future looks bleak .
6 Her own intense excitement had given way to a hollow feeling in her stomach and she had been quite unable to eat for several days .
7 A light cloud cover in the late afternoon had given way to a lovely , pale , evening sky as I wandered through the town to its main tourist attraction , the red-brick basilica of Nôtre -Dame de Brebières .
8 The sombre atmosphere which still prevails in more solidly Christian countries has given way to a festive mood .
9 However , the following day , when the floorboards were removed to examine the beam , it was found to be so deeply cracked in two places that they ascribed the fact that it had not given way to a ‘ wonder of [ God 's ] providence ’ .
10 By this time the original confrontation between marchers and police had given way to a general battle between the police and young residents of the Bogside , most of whom had taken no part in the march .
11 In particular , the traditional , if untheorized , distinction between serious literature and ‘ rubbish ’ has broken down ; as Franco Fortini said , the occasional slummings of the aristocratic writer of the past have given way to a situation in which we all live off the ‘ guano ’ which our society produces day by day ( Cadioli and Peresson 1984 : 85 ) .
12 The morning 's rain had given way to a lush golden evening .
13 In the later 1980s , the predominance of the short , ‘ continuing education ’ event has given way to a polarisation between formal ‘ educational ’ programmes , such as Certificates in Management Studies and MBAs , and informal work-place , problem-solving learning , often associated with consultancy .
14 If wholesale confusion and evasion had given way to a world of possible action and satisfaction , nothing else had been transformed .
15 The poor woman had given way to a black mood and been swamped by her ugly past , he explained .
16 But it has been a universal feature of modernity that the larger family unit , the so-called ‘ extended ’ family , has given way to a much smaller unit , the ‘ nuclear ’ family .
17 Before long football had given way to a different sport , and a surreal Bosch-like survey of the entire field showed all kinds of what my mother called hanky-panky in full swing .
18 A ruddiness in his face had given way to a pallor that was unmistakably the work of the cells .
19 William looked up at her and Hari smiled , pleased with the way his cheeks had filled out and that the set of his shoulders was straight now , his fear of violence having given way to a new confidence in himself .
20 Both involve the identification of a previously existing , now largely defunct , set of moral imperatives which have given way to a new order in which control , particularly of sexual conduct , has diminished .
21 The wooden crucifix is Gothic in style and was probably executed by an artist from the Rhineland , though in the face of Christ the angular character of Northern European sculpture has given way to a more classical serenity .
22 The ability to produce in greater quantities made this system wasteful and it has given way to a more scientific process .
23 The so-called functional areas , such as marketing , production and personnel have given way to a more problem-centred approach , but within this there has been a notable decline in the significance accorded to industrial relations , and still more , to the field of personnel management .
24 If one can hazard one generalization from the responses to this question , it is that the early enthusiasm for undergraduate interdisciplinary ventures which was evident in the 1970s has now given way to a more ambivalent attitude , perhaps because the practical institutional and professional problems have become more evident , a view found also in the OECD ‘ Interdisciplinarity Revisited ’ report ( Levin and Lind 1985 ) .
25 ‘ The intellectual and rational conception of life has given way to a more creative interpretation ’ , wrote the British Surrealist Eileen Agar in 1931 , ‘ and artistic life is under the sway of womb-magic ’ ; and Agar give expression to this ‘ womb-magic ’ in the foetal and embryonic forms which play a central part in paintings such as ‘ Family Trio ’ or ‘ The Autobiography of an Embryo ’ where fluid shapes float across the picture plane to be captured in a net of geometric planes .
26 The initial air of reasonableness and cordiality had quickly given way to a more chameleonlike personality , shifting and dodging behind a variety of masks ; one minute the crafty haberdasher , the next the erudite political activist , the next the polite , smiling business associate .
27 By 1985 this businesslike severity has given way to a white pie-frill collared blouse from Laura Ashley .
28 He waited for three-quarters of an hour , until the mottled grey of false-dawn had given way to a pink-and-pearl flush above the silent rooftops , then left , walking between the rows of drawn curtains and smiling at his wrong choice .
29 The clear , blue water of the river mouth had given way to a brown muddy flow as the ship moved inland , and both banks were now lined with natural stockades of tall , fleshy-leaved trees that trailed tangled creepers over the water .
30 The lane had given way to a farmyard .
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