Example sentences of "[vb pp] her [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He had caught her in his arms , and there had been a soaring delight , an exchange of joy , wordless , mindless , stronger and infinitely sweeter than anything he had ever known .
2 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
3 He had forgotten her in his efforts to catch up with her twin .
4 The blue should have reminded her of his flaming , instead of entrancing her by its own beauty , the beauty which had seemed to be utter and complete in itself .
5 He had lifted her into his arms before she could protest , although in truth she hardly felt in any condition to trek back up the incline towards the barn .
6 He had carried her in his arms as naturally as if he had been doing so for years , and she had felt right there .
7 He had rescued her in his own way , he had swept away the bitterness and the hurt , but he had added a hurt of his own too .
8 She looked disappointed , so Toby had obviously disarmed her with his usual charm , and had probably promised some expenses , too .
9 He told the jury yesterday that he had never threatened her with his truncheon , but he had offered to use it as a sexual aid .
10 Rage at her , at himself for wanting her , at a war that had turned her into his enemy .
11 He glanced at Helen as though he had never seen her in his life , and made no attempt to get up .
12 She had been on his mind since the morning he had seen her from his horse ; frightened yet defiant , sparking with anger .
13 But then she reminded herself that Miguel had entrusted her with his secret , and there was no way she could even explain her unhappiness to anyone .
14 He tried not to think of the shock his sister had expressed so strongly when he had told her of his intentions .
15 What had prompted the feeling had been the story he 'd told her about his grandfather and his link with G.W. Fashions .
16 She wonders why he has invited her into his office .
17 He was obedient to the pressure — for he could easily have overborne her with his superior strength — but his voice was guttural .
18 He 'd dandled her on his knee when she could hardly walk .
19 He must never know how successful his demonstration had been , how much he had hurt her by his sudden rejection .
20 She was glad he had found her with his navy-blue suit on and his tie-pin .
21 If he could have pulled her into his arms at that moment he knew nothing could have stopped him from making love to her .
22 He had pulled her into his arms , kissing her gently , and she had wrapped her arms around his neck .
23 Then he had reached out and pulled her into his arms and held her tightly for a moment .
24 The report included his ( named ) niece 's account that Fairley had terrified her by his sexual advances to her in a car .
25 It was n't fit for a young girl , he 'd explained in his thick brogue , and her half-brother had grinned and mocked her behind his back .
26 It was like the first time she 'd seen him , just after Peter had introduced her as his fiancée .
27 He had sometimes half frightened her with his need for her .
28 He had dismissed her from his mind as he would swat away a troublesome fly .
29 Far from tempting her by that impromptu strip-tease , Luke Calder had promptly dismissed her from his mind and settled down to sleep !
30 At the time of the Westerfield poisonings he had sometimes been a difficult man to agree with , and he 'd more than once annoyed her by his attitude .
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