Example sentences of "[vb pp] her [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 For a moment they struggled with each other 's clothing , tearing at the lacing , freeing themselves , and then he had lifted her on to him and was thrusting deep into her , her legs wrapped about his back , her pelvis pushing down urgently to meet his movements .
2 Meanwhile Turkish police have tracked her down to this resort .
3 An arm , clad in a golden-brown shirt that she had already noticed did marvellous things for his dark hair and amber eyes , transferred her smoothly to the settee , without her spilling a drop of coffee .
4 Then , as faint with pain and fear , she had whimpered , begging him to release her , he had turned her on to her back again and leapt on top of her …
5 Someone had thus moved the body , and it had to be assumed that it was the same person who had pushed her on to the plough .
6 He had kissed her goodbye and seen her on to her flight .
7 Up until yesterday , when the whole thing had taken shape and he had whisked her away to Rocamar , she had simply been his confidante — at least , that was how she had seen herself , and she 'd assumed that was how he saw her too .
8 Then , deciding she was no political , just another stroppy trucker , they 'd handed her over to the locals , which was a big relief .
9 She 'd been given a rail warrant to Lowestoft , where the RTO had handed her over to the navy .
10 Marie 's got her back to me , watching the telly .
11 They said , ‘ Well , nobody will notice her if she 's got her back to the audience , ’ but all the audience wanted to know was ‘ Why has that girl got her back to the audience , is she hideously scarred ? ’
12 They said , ‘ Well , nobody will notice her if she 's got her back to the audience , ’ but all the audience wanted to know was ‘ Why has that girl got her back to the audience , is she hideously scarred ? ’
13 Mary had told her not to be a fool , to come to her house and get a decent night 's sleep .
14 Adam had laughed and told her not to be dramatic .
15 When Lydia had marvelled to Betty about the horror of Elizabeth 's existence , Betty had told her not to be so silly .
16 ‘ We think Angy may have invited her round to her flat last Tuesday .
17 Their mutual interest had transcended the age difference , and he had invited her back to his island home on Grand Cayman .
18 They had tied her up to attention , with many a sniggering jest : They had bound a musket beside her , with the parrel beneath her breast !
19 She could n't understand why the woman 's husband had brought her on to this hazardous planet .
20 Frustration had brought her almost to screaming-point .
21 At eighteen , in love with love , she 'd accepted his ring and walked on air until common sense had brought her down to earth and made her realise that marriage to him would be a total disaster .
22 Then the king 's son was so sorry for what he had done that he would willingly have died too , if it would have brought her back to life .
23 There could only be one reason why Ross — always such a proud and unforgiving man — would have broken his own self-imposed exile and contacted her ; only one reason why he would have brought her back to the quiet privacy of her own apartment .
24 She told them everything , right up to the fact that two of the notorious Felton brothers had actually brought her home to this very street , only to find there was no home to go to .
25 He caught her by the waist , in a half rugby tackle , lifted her up , spun her around and in one fell swoop had hoisted her on to his shoulders even before she realised what was happening .
26 They were vague shadowy figures , rather like her own mother had been , except that she remembered them slightly better because , when she had been about eight years old , Granny Tremayne had driven her over to Newquay where they had been staying .
27 Mary 's offer had been rejected without their thinking twice about it and she and Adam had said goodbye in a cool , offhand sort of way and Rufus had driven her off to the station in Goblander .
28 He 'd driven her directly to her hotel so she could change her clothes and she 'd elected to wear lightweight cream cotton jeans topped by a matching sleeveless cotton stretch top , taking the precaution of carrying a jacket when Rune warned her that the breeze from the Baltic could be stiff despite the increasing warmth of the day .
29 She knew it had been hard for her Mother when her Father had shipped her off to the United States to escape the war .
30 He had once summed her up to a female student , after several lagers , as ‘ no tits to speak of and even less bum ’ .
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