Example sentences of "[vb pp] up [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Russell ( 1986 ) prefers a model in which mineralising fluids were generated by Carboniferous seawater penetrating , and reacting with , the underlying Caledonian basement to increasing depths ( up to 10 km ) under a normal geothermal gradient during basin extension before being discharged up listric faults .
2 OH , what a stir was caused by Ghostwatch , the BBC Halloween programme which appeared to have conjured up evil spirits in a haunted house .
3 This is the man who has conjured up fresh doubts about the validity of the so-called Dianagate tapes .
4 This is the man who has conjured up fresh doubts about the validity of the so-called Dianagate tapes .
5 By the time the threatened rain arrived around 4pm , 70 overs had been bowled , 50 of them by spinners , there had been two 100-run partnerships and Boon and Whitaker had picked up stylish half-centuries .
6 Picked up expensive habits , too .
7 His own sources among the Altun had picked up vague hints of another conception upon which Sidacai had drawn or to which he had been led .
8 The truth is that some members of the Liverpool board had misgivings about the way Swansea were run and wondered if Toshack might have picked up bad habits .
9 ‘ The visit , in view of the time allocated , was necessarily superficial and only likely to have picked up gross discrepancies , ’ it said .
10 ‘ We have failed to progress in Europe in recent years , but we have picked up valuable lessons from those experiences and I feel we are now ready for the challenge . ’
11 The Gnomes had gone to considerable trouble ; Culdub and Bith had sat up long hours and consulted books and chronicles and there had been much burning of late candles and worried scurryings to and fro between the Gnomes ' houses in the little mountain village .
12 Kaiser William II had built up strong forces in Germany and enlarged its naval power to counter the power of the British navy , and it was Germany 's declaration of war on Russia which led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany and the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy .
13 The college has built up strong links with local industry and this will be reflected on the board .
14 The band were still distressed at the demise because their working relationship had been excellent and they had built up good friendships with the staff , and did not want to seen them lose their jobs .
15 Over the years we 've enjoyed annual family holidays without feeling the pinch and we 've built up good relationships with our neighbours and the surrounding community .
16 A huge volume of Ferranti shares has changed hands since they returned to trading just over a week ago and a number of other potential bidders are believed to have built up small stakes .
17 Until they were reined back by the banking authorities at the end of last year , they had built up huge liabilities in dollars in order to play the interest-rate differentials that foreigners have so enjoyed .
18 It seems less plausible in the United States , where productivity growth has slowed down and foreigners ' have built up large claims on US output .
19 They have turned up numerous occasions before June 1958 when de Gaulle expressed either scepticism about forced integration or a belief in self-determination .
20 As in 1933 , he accused the Jews abroad of stirring up agitation and boycotts against Germany , and claimed that this had made an impact on Jews inside Germany itself , whose public provocative behaviour had stirred up countless complaints and calls for action by the government .
21 Her visit to the Doctor seemed to have stirred up old memories , like sediment at the bottom of a pond .
22 We tested this out by taking it around the office and the people in the office thought it was a bit boring we er thought it was great for the youngsters who probably like it so er erm and the merchandise we 've actually , we 've made up certain things , T-shirts and , and , and wacky items that again er relate to , to young people so that they get into the , the , the theme of the thing and the , the whole year carries forward on a , on a certain colour theme and , and , and so on , so er we 've done our best as sailing coaches not only learning to be marketeers again the money , where 's the money come from ?
23 The GCSE debacle has shown up serious shortcomings not only in our examination process but also in our whole education policy .
24 In the first City Challenge scheme it was promised cash to help revitalise the eastern side of the town ; now the borough council , residents and local companies have drawn up similar plans to improve central and western areas .
25 The trust has now drawn up detailed plans and claims a living museum at Bletchley Park could attract at least 100,000 visitors every year .
26 Shiraz has stitched up major deals all over the world to boost sales , but it appears that UK buyers are very reluctant to splash out £13 for 30 capsules in the middle of a slump .
27 It was only after they had offloaded the stock that the dealers would find out their teamleader had bought up large quantities of it himself .
28 The English edition sold out very quickly , and rumour had it that interested parties had bought up large numbers of copies in order to minimise its impact .
29 Their Kipling characteristics would surely have immediately attracted man 's attention , and he would soon have thought up other ways of increasing the frequency of such useful animals .
30 Some Victorian market towns acquired a pronounced industrial character , especially after the railways had provided cheaper raw materials and had opened up distant markets .
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