Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] very " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , clearly , the survey could n't be carried on in very many parts of the sewer because the pipes are in such bad condition .
2 Pillsbury would have come in with very strong ideas , and I do n't think they would have appreciated that at the National Gallery ’ .
3 Now i d in our debate we , we had separately actually come up with very similar f processes .
4 As will be seen by the illustrations , Basler and Professional/AMI have come up with very different looking installations .
5 In the Middle East and Latin American countries , business discussions are carried out in very close proximity , involving physical contact , which many Western salespeople find strange .
6 The power of the conscience can be built up from very early childhood by nothing more harmful than the temporary withholding of manifestations of love .
7 It is built up in very thin washes .
8 It is built up in very thin washes .
9 ‘ It is helpful to imagine that everything is made up of very small particles called atoms ’ comes , not from some yellowing dog-eared textbook but from the new National Curriculum .
10 His analysis suggested that the Dogon knew that the planets of the solar system went around the sun in ellipses , rather than in circles ; they knew also that the dwarf-star companion of Sirius ( the Pup ) existed and was made up of very compressed matter .
11 For : very nicely made out of very posh wood , well finished , with a good chunky neck and that very practical compound radius fingerboard , with top-class hardware to finish it off ( the Wilkinson is deservedly this year 's tremolo , while both the locking Schallers and the Seymour Duncans are excellent ) .
12 It 's er common ground that in fact er no sealed order was drawn up until very considerably later , the sealed order is in fact dated the twenty fifth of May nineteen ninety three .
13 The diet in this , as in all Indian prisons , was laid down in very precise terms .
14 Statements of attainment could be set out in very general terms , permitting a great variety of learning routes and greater autonomy for teachers in the classroom , but they would run the risk of being uninterpretable by SAT developers and teachers , or , given the political imperative to produce national assessments , interpretable in an arbitrary fashion .
15 In just a week or so , Antoinette wrote to Soeur Dosithée : she 's settled back in very well .
16 They all knew what had happened the previous night and , from Wallas Ward 's announcement before the curtain rose , they knew that Charles had stepped in at very short notice .
17 Once dry , each coat must be rubbed down with very fine glasspaper to give a surface that is as smooth as possible .
18 ‘ So , if you get wind of a rumour from Salome on , say , Bloggs International , which says that tomorrow they 're going to be taken over on very generous cash terms , then you buy as much Bloggs stock as you can .
19 After , crayon was applied to the face in small amounts to build up the structure , the whole was finished off with very fine lines of a highly sharpened grey crayon .
20 Booklets can be very popular indeed and some booklets have been taken up in very large quantities .
21 It was a problem which the team manager , Mike Turner , should have faced up to very quickly and brought to a conclusion one way or the other .
22 British Petroleum South Africa underwrote the cost of the tour , so no material loss was incurred , but either way the action deprived the West Indian Board coffers of a large amount of money which would have been ploughed back into very necessary ground and youth development in the region .
23 Full of anticipation they were fitted out with very chic driving overalls , registered for the day ( or did they sign their lives away ? ) and listened very intently to the briefing .
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