Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While this has its origins in the manipulation of plant and animal species that began c. 10 kyr BP ( section 3.3 ) it has been confined to plant and animal breeding programmes .
2 She had come to know and respect Beattie through his social work .
3 In no way had she ever been prepared for the life she was now expected to lead and Charles had some difficulty in understanding her feelings .
4 The growing emphasis at both a national and institutional level on policies designed to widen and increase access to higher education has led to increased interest in recent years in the relative performance of students with non-traditional qualifications in higher education .
5 Although the proposed method is novel , it is but one of an increasingly large number of methods designed to detect and model ‘ clusters ’ of disease ( see , for example , Cuzick and Edwards 1990 ) .
6 The business people , who constituted more than half the audience , also felt cheated because the young scientists they had come to hear and proposition failed to materialise .
7 John Russel Taylor refers to Auerbach 's work as ‘ confined to landscape and portrait an expressionist approach ’ .
8 As a result there is some prospect of schools once more becoming places where children are expected to learn and teachers to teach .
9 All fresh cases are reported to CATCHEM and forces all over the country have to fill in a form with 230 questions devised by Dovaston .
10 A comprehensive , step-by-step programme of exercises and activities designed to develop and practice skills needed in reading , interpreting and writing reports .
11 But however distinguished its history , Edinburgh very much sees itself as a University of the 1990s committed to research and teaching covering the hi-tech disciplines of the future , as well as disciplines rooted in the past .
12 As at Ibrox , the match is for home fans only , but 1,000 Scots fans are expected to travel and police are mounting a huge security operation to stop touting outside the stadium .
13 The system , supplied by Primagraphics Ltd , is high quality digital imaging equipment which has been designed to store and index electronically the 750,000 images in the Museum 's photographic archive .
14 Funds from government departments committed to trade and employment fuel their conversations .
15 Even so , prices are not expected to rise and companies such as John Laing , Barratt and Wimpey have already written down their housing land bank values by up to 20 per cent .
16 Later he bore the responsibility for maintaining his mother and siblings , after his father , given to drink and radicalism , had migrated to America in the wake of the Peterloo massacre ( 1819 ) .
17 A free , contractual basis for labour thus pointed to progress and prosperity .
18 The references I have made to light and existence only touch the surface of a very complicated debate .
19 Aggression is related to anger and hostility ; whereas meaness relates to spitefulness and untrustworthiness .
20 More recently we have shown morphological differences in the nasopharynx and base of the skull in children with glue ear , and these are probably related to age and growth .
21 But it can be made to bulge and glitter with a maestro behind the iris .
22 From the beginning , the sculpture was envisioned as a landmark positioned to enhance and counterpoint the administrative offices of The Royal Bank of Scotland and the surrounding landscape .
23 And that had swiftly turned to censure and contempt .
24 The importance of the formative stages of unionism in determining structural features ( which are themselves closely related to function and objectives ) and in giving direction to subsequent developments has also been emphasised .
25 ( Can you imagine those big widely-spaced needles being made to cross and transfer stitches ! )
26 From inside that belief system the responses that are made to overload and pressure will seem , in so far as they are considered consciously , to be sensible , vital or even inevitable .
27 After larger doses , chromosomes are seen to break and cell nuclei to fragment .
28 And he demands an aristocratic listener , one prepared to laze and gorge .
29 There were several hot-water pipes leading off from the stove , heated rails where wet clothes were hung to dry and plates of food were left to keep warm after serving .
30 Subsequently it was suggested ( Hare , 1973 ) that this trend in climatology had been emphasized by three other contributions identified as the micrometeorological method whereby a branch of experimental physics has used experimental techniques to provide physical insights into the nature of the earth 's surface and planetary boundary layers ; the microclimatological method where the techniques of micrometeorological measurement and boundary layer theory together with the related parts of soil physics and plant physiology are applied to exchange and transformation processes over natural surfaces , leading to study of energy transformation at the land surface , water movement upwards and downwards through the soil , and to how carbon dioxide is assimilated during photosynthesis and released during respiration ; and the hydrological method whereby energy exchange during the hydrological cycle was quantified .
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