Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv prt] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Registered foreign lawyers are not permitted to carry out activities reserved to solicitors , but MNPs may employ assistant solicitors to perform the full range of solicitors ' services for clients of the practice .
2 This is the central concern for what we may call the ‘ top-down ’ approach to the study of implementation : why do n't those who are expected to carry out policies do what is required of them ?
3 They will be expected to carry out tasks during the residential with limited support from the tutor and to monitor their own progress in terms of personal and social development .
4 A Land Rover spokesman said : ‘ Our vehicles are not designed to tumble down mountains but they are built for a tough life . ’
5 questions designed to find out reasons for views held
6 Working in sales and marketing , I am sure you comments in the August issue following the letter from Martin Smith on the buffer zone are deliberately designed to drum up readers ' letters .
7 Many of the mergers were designed to set up monopolies to raise prices in industries such as steel , electric power and railways .
8 A document , as distinct from a manuscript , implies something official or designed to set out facts or points of view .
9 Buy British Lung Foundation cycle masks designed to screen out pollutants .
10 The function of the leave requirement is not spelled out in Order 53 , but it is designed to weed out cases which have no real chance of success or which might be called ‘ frivolous ’ or ‘ vexatious ’ in the sense of being brought not out of a genuine interest in the outcome but for some ulterior motive such as to make things difficult for a government agency .
11 The reasons behind thousands upon thousands of black kids immersing themselves in sport may stem from basic inequalities which I find unacceptable , and , indeed , immoral , but I can not affirm that sport is some device for the perpetuation of these inequalities any more than I can agree with some critics , such as Paul Hoch , that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination designed to slough off energies or divert them into meaningless channels ( 1972 ) .
12 Mr Major will take the final decisions on the budget , which is tipped to put up taxes overall by more than £3 billion .
13 Chairman Sir John Hall , however , has stressed that the struggling Second Division club still have to put into operation the so-called rescue package designed to soak up debts of around £5m .
14 Chairman Sir John Hall , however , has stressed that the struggling Second Division club still have to put into operation the so-called rescue package designed to soak up debts of around £5m .
15 These were first designed to keep out horses and motorcycles from the Bernwood Butterfly trail in Oxfordshire while allowing access to wheelchairs .
16 This monumental image was designed to stir up emotions of awe and respect , but could scarcely evoke feelings of warmth and affection .
17 ONE scratchcard in six is designed to pay out prizes of between £1 and £100 .
18 The material is made by combining crushed whole eggs and milk , to which three kinds of the enzyme lipase are then added to break down fats .
19 It is never expected to take up demands or make a real effort to change conditions .
20 The decision was crucial to those Britons who had now resolved to take up arms against Rome if necessary , but for the Druids it was now simply a matter of life or death .
21 Women had come to take over men 's jobs as platform , goods , and parcel-porters , ticket-collectors , and engine cleaners .
22 Another American writer , Walter Lippmann , argued that in the liberal democracies " mass opinion " had come to dominate over governments , and that this represented " a functional derangement of the relationship between the mass of the people and the government " .
23 The Exposure Draft ( FRED 4 — Reporting the Substance of Transactions ) contains two key proposals designed to stamp out abuses .
24 For this work she received two shillings and sixpence per week , quite a nice sum for the 1880's when farm workers were expected to bring up families on twelve shillings a week .
25 The tour set for twelve to eighteen months starting in summer 1993 and sales of a catalogue with colour reproductions of Barnes works , are expected to bring in funds for renovating the foundation 's gallery building and bringing its operations up to modern standards .
26 Although a term like dog may be over-extended to pick out cats , sheep , and horses , it is also used to pick out dogs ( e.g. , Clark , 1973a , 1983b ; Leopold , 1949 ; Pavlovitch , 1920 ) .
27 The collection of data and the general observation stage ( often referred to in general terms as ‘ the field work ’ ) can be an onerous step for the inexperienced researcher , particularly if the fieldwork is undertaken too soon , before ideas have been clarified or without adequate pilot studies being made to try out questionnaires or interview schedules .
28 The law , framed to ward off takeovers from Nazi Germany , allows companies to refuse share registration , and so voting rights , to anyone they do not like — aggressive foreigners , for example .
29 It is here that efforts have been made to open up resources to working-class communities and/or to provide access into educational institutions .
30 However , a report in The Times of April 25 stated that the three main Panthic committees , whose member organizations led the separatist struggle in the state , had decided to put up candidates in the elections .
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