Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The distribution of records produced by a given algorithm should be checked to see that this will not occur .
2 She could no doubt be taught to sew or clean things .
3 All will be meticulously examined to see whether any recorded the planting of the two bombs in litter bins .
4 A shareholders action committee has been formed to see if any value can be obtained .
5 She was irritated to find that one essential item at least was missing , and made a mental note to have someone telephone for it immediately .
6 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
7 I would be fascinated to know if these yards of generally disagreeable reviews will in fact sell copies .
8 The train lover was fascinated to find that most journeys are undertaken on the railway because Chinese roads are not up to Western standards .
9 Mr Coates 's replacement , Jonathan Davie , thinks that , in Britain , the firm is well placed to benefit if share-trading volumes continue at the pace of the first quarter of this year .
10 She felt constrained to sit and light-headed when she rose and crossed the long boards to fold back the shutters and open the windows wide .
11 That they ask you specific questions of that naming it 's a multi-choice more importantly in your written answers you will have to in , you are expected to include and correct systematic ohms for any organics that you deal with .
12 The reason why many ethologists would now prefer to explain ritualization as an arms race is that they have increasingly come to realize that selfish competition among individuals is the rule in the animal world .
13 We have come to realize that many of us will not see the improvements in our quality of life , as this is going to take a long time .
14 Belinda had been slightly unnerved to find that this man was Faye Hamilton 's obstetrician , and was rather alarmed at the prospect of spending a block of time in his elegant office , becoming familiar with the case history of her new patient .
15 Erm what I was trying to do was be candid about what kind of er inquiries of the strategic kind might be expected to come if this county had that kind of policy .
16 There are obvious limits to the extra work that families can be expected to absorb and these limits may already have been reached .
17 Mr. Davis felt constrained to accept that such a case might be within the purview of the legislation .
18 Scattered to dust and all their beauty fled .
19 A couple of paragraphs of lay anthropology were added to suggest that black people in Africa had accomplished ‘ virtually nothing ’ before ‘ the White Man came ’ .
20 The disaster was all the more stunning because people had come to assume that such things did n't happen .
21 This market can be expected to grow since increased leisure time and rising disposable incomes are likely to.lead to an increased take up of leisure activities .
22 Engineers were reported to suspect that one of the telescope 's two mirrors had been manufactured to slightly incorrect specifications , resulting in a distortion of images in the visible spectrum .
23 ‘ I suppose he 's got flu now and I 'm expected to manage as usual with only half of you here .
24 Serious UFO researchers have come to recognise that these stories are essentially subjective .
25 Nevertheless , the system worked remarkably well , in large part because it was designed to ensure that each of its members had the information he needed to do his job .
26 However , if the condition in question were designed to ensure that all operators of fishing vessels were based in the United Kingdom , it would inhibit the export of fish by British flag vessels to other member states and so constitute a breach of article 34 of the E.E.C .
27 Detailed regulations are in place which are designed to ensure that all employees give the highest priority to the health and safety of themselves , and those around them .
28 Attempts have been made to control parasitic bronchitis by grazing systems designed to ensure that young susceptible cattle are not exposed to large numbers of infective larvae .
29 So , those who support the Public Service Ideal advocate specific mechanisms designed to ensure that political coverage is wide-ranging , balanced , and impartial , as well as being independent of the state .
30 The President of Fiji , Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau , formally promulgated a new Constitution on July 25 , which was designed to ensure that political power remained in the hands of the country 's ethnic Melanesian population .
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