Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [conj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Many impartial experts have come to agree that Israel 's fears were justified .
2 The final axe is expected to come after Birt takes over as the new director general in March .
3 Edna was obviously charmed to find that Celia had married such a presentable husband who was a heart specialist into the bargain .
4 In no way had she ever been prepared for the life she was now expected to lead and Charles had some difficulty in understanding her feelings .
5 After fifteen years she had come to assume that Daniel had died in Auschwitz .
6 ‘ And I 'm really expected to believe that Donal , of his own bat , sent me to Wexford to meet you , knowing you were about to seek out my family , just to be friendly ?
7 Mr Bland said last night : ‘ Our scheme is designed to ensure that LWT is in a position to make and broadcast programmes at the weekend from 1993 onwards . ’
8 It is not only the sects that are guilty of fortress mentalities : we have come to believe that God is to be found only in our prayer groups , fellowships and denominational congregations .
9 With the success of scientific theories in describing events , most people have come to believe that God allows the universe to evolve according to a set of laws and does not intervene in the universe to break these laws .
10 Lawyers are expected to argue that Michael Howard and Mr Clarke are both in contempt of the court 's decision by pursuing her deportation .
11 Lawyers are expected to argue that Michael Howard and Mr Clarke are both in contempt of the court 's decision by pursuing 's deportation .
12 Although this was an extremely delicate operation for Nizan to perform , given that in 1934 he had carried out the rather complex act of ideological rehabilitation designed to demonstrate that Gide 's intellectual itinerary was such as to lead him inevitably to a commitment to communism , he none the less succeeded in combining professional respect for Gide 's qualities as a writer with penetrating criticism of what he considered to be Gide 's superficial analysis and hasty dismissal of the Soviet state .
13 Black leaders in turn need to recognise that such measures will do far more to help poor blacks than any amount of affirmative action , reparation , calls for black separation , or courses designed to teach that Socrates stole his ideas from ancient black Egyptians .
14 All three features are designed to convey that Henry is not just looking at the roots but reflecting on them and struggling to think what it is they bring to mind .
15 A little earlier the mother of Dr Neil 's surgery boy , who carried out the doctor 's errands on the bicycle which lived in the outhouse , had come to say that Eddie had broken his arm and would not be fit to carry out his duties .
16 But this time , Antonia 's mother had rung to ask whether Antonia might stay at the Jardines ' .
17 ‘ You 've forgotten to ask whether Mrs. Porter left a deposit . ’
18 The data for this elaboration come mainly from a participant observation study at Oxford United and from conversations at a local youth club , but data from other grounds are included to show that Oxford United is far from being an isolated case .
19 perhaps it was at this time that a clerk associated with the rebel Poitevins produced a document designed to show that Henry and Eleanor were within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity and their marriage therefore invalid .
20 Their entire case has been designed to prove that Hitler was some kind of freak event that had no links with the German past .
21 Belinda blurted dismissively , disturbed to find that Tom had been aware of at least some of Greg 's attentions to her that evening .
22 I am instructed to indicate that Broderick will always feel extremely upset . ’
23 The report by Ramaphosa and others to Tambo said that Mrs Mandela had participated in the beatings of Stompie and other youths , and that the Crisis Committee had decided to demand that Mrs Mandela should produce Stompie and disband her private bodyguard , the so-called Mandela United Football Club .
24 It attacks Christianity for its doctrine of the Incarnation , which is seen to suggest that God could be a human being .
25 Sufficient has already been said to suggest that Britain 's economic and financial ties with the EEC are much more complex than those of a simple trading relationship , even one which for a variety of reasons involves considerable net outflows of cash .
26 Besides , I 'd began to think that Mala had been right .
27 Sir David said that in the last few days , the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , has written to say that NHS funds can not be used in this way .
28 The proposal for the " rapid reaction " force was not intended to suggest that NATO might undertake " out-of-area " military commitments .
29 He 'd only agreed to go because Lily told him it was a musical and had walked out the moment Bernadette started sinking to her knees in the fields .
30 Oh I 've got to see if Frank 's changed .
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